Dear Editor:
My mother-in-law passed away in January. While she had been suffering from poor health, her death was unexpected and our family was in shock. In the early morning hours that followed, we started doing the activities that all Jewish families do at moments like this: Phone calls were made; travel arrangements were put in place. When should the funeral be? Who can attend? Are the Rabbi and Cantor available to officiate? What is the address of the cemetery? Scores of logistics, all of which require timely answers in order to have loved ones gather at a graveside within 24 hours. This is not easy--especially at such an emotional time. Speaking with Tim and then Sammy Goldstein, at Beth Shalom Memorial Chapel was like lifting a great weight from our shoulders. Suddenly the road ahead was cleared of any boulders and the potholes were filled in. Sammy made the phone calls and all of the arrangements as per our requests.
This was our third time working with Sammy and through each sad experience, he provided kindness and support to our family as he gently guided us through what needed to happen in the hours and days that followed. Sammy and his team have stepped into our lives at times of emotional stress and have been beacons during some of our darkest moments.
In the days and months that follow the passing of a loved one, grieving gives way to moving on with life. Often overlooked, is recognition of the support that Sammy Goldstein and his staff at Beth Shalom Memorial Chapel provide to our Jewish community in our times of need. Sammy, thank you for all you do.
With appreciation,
Loren and Robert London and the family of Miriam Cohen Shader.
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