Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Choices galore for the Jewish Film Festival

The committee of the 19th Annual Central Florida Jewish Film Festival-(l-r) Jay Glick, Dolores Indek, Harriet Weiss, Risa Tetenbaum, and Sheila Greenspoon-have a tough choice ahead of them as they seek to select the best possible films to feature at The Roth Family JCC of Greater Orlando's three-day event, held in conjunction with the Enzian Theater from November 4-6.  

The first evening on Saturday will take place at the Orlando Science Center, while the films on Sunday and Monday will be screened at the Enzian.

While they have more than enough films to select from, they're still looking for sponsors to help make the weekend possible. To learn more, contact the committee chair, Harriet Weiss, at mimihar@cfl.rr.com.


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