A salute to the righteous...
"They risked their lives to save Jews"... according to The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, "Now they need our help."
This is just one example of a righteous family:
"Presov, Slovakia, Fall 1941, Elena Maradikova lived with her brother and parents in Presov. Elana's father, Ondrej, worked as a detective for the Presov police. Prior to the outbreak of WWII, two young Jewish men, Martin Weil and Jan Kohl, had rented a room from the Maradik family. When the war broke out, life for the Jews of Presov became increasingly difficult. In March 1942, the Germans ordered the deportation of Jewish women and girls. With the approval of the family, Martin and Jan hid a Jewish girl in the Maradik home. Unfortunately, one day when the girl left the house to go to the post office in order to contract her parents, she was captured and deported. Over time, the deportations intensified. Because of his position with the police, Ondrej could warn Martin and Jan about German plans to round up Jews. He also erased Martin and Jans names from the database of local residents gathered by the police.
The entire Maradik family participated in sheltering and protecting the two Jewish men. Due to several close calls, Elena, her brother, and their parents engaged in searching for a new place where Martin and Jan could hide. When a new hiding place was found, the family provided the men with food and other basic needs. Ondrej obtained false identity documents for Martin and Jan. The men decided to leave the Maradik family as they were concerned for both their own safety and the safety of Elena and her family. Some of the neighbors had begun to ask questions about the men. Martin and Jan moved to an area controlled by anti-German partisans. Both men survived the war by constantly moving.
After the war, Martin and Jan came back to Presov. Upon their return, they learned that Ondrej had been arrested by the Germans and was deported to Bergen-Belsen. He did not survive and a few years later, Elena's mother passed away. Elena Maradikova and her family performed true acts of heroism. The family was recognized by Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust Authority, as Righteous Among the Nations in 1992. The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (JFR) was established to repay a debt of gratitude to Christian rescuers, like Elena and her family, who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. The JFR sends monthly financial support to some 400 aged and needy rescuers in 20 countries to help them pay for food, housing and medical expenses. It may be too late to thank the thousands of non-Jews tortured and murdered by the Germans and their collaborators because they helped Jews, but there are many who are still alive.
(Since its founding, the JFR has provided more than $38 million to aged and needy rescuers."
How can we get involved? Phone 212-727-9955 or go online to http://www.JFR.ORG. Remember, "Whoever saves a single life is as if one saves the entire world" from the Talmud.)
Remembering Jewish history...
I'm referring to Jerry Leiber, Jewish American songwriter and record producer best known as the lyricist for the duo Leiber and Stoller (with Mike Stoller). Their most famous songs include "Hound Dog," "Jailhouse Rock," Kansas City", "Stand By Me" and "On Broadway." The duo won Grammy awards for "Is That All There Is?" in 1969, and the cast album of "Smokey Joe's Café," a 1995 musical revue.
Jerry Leiber died at age 78 in August 2011.
(His music lives on.)
And on the subject of music...
MUSIC FEST 2017, in memory of Inez "Teddy" and Myron Snyder, will take place on Sunday, Oct.15th at Lake Brantley High School, Altamonte Springs, beginning at 1:30 p.m.
This is a Jewish Pavilion event! For more information about this special day, phone the Jewish Pavilion at 407-678-9363, email to info@jewishpavilion.org or go online to http://www.jewishpavilion.org.
The all-star musical lineup includes CAROL STEIN, MICHAEL and BEN KRAMER, BARBARA JONES, HOWARD HERMAN, Cantor JACQUELINE RAWISZER, PENNY D'AGOSTINO, WALTER "SKY" GOLDSTEIN and PAUL STENZLER. They will perform Broadway, Jazz, contemporary and classical music.
(Quite a line-up of super-talents!)
It will also be a Vendor Extravaganza and there will be refreshments and prizes.
The cost is $25 per person; $20 in advance; $10 per child and $50 maximum per family.
"Proceeds enhance the lives of our elders," according to the Jewish Pavilion.
The JCC 39ers...
On Monday, Oct. 9th, a story of Guatemala with video will be presented by SUSAN BERNSTEIN, 1 p.m. in the social hall of the Roth JCC, Maitland Avenue, Maitland.
Refreshments will follow. All 39ers and JCC members are welcome to attend.
A shout-out...
What a sweetheart of a waitress, customers are probably telling themselves about SAM G. (Samantha), a waitress at the Perkins Restaurant, Store #1230, 6425 University Blvd in Winter Park.
(I know I am! She is "on the ball" and very pleasant.)
One for the road...
Leah phones her husband at work, "Izzy, do you have time for a chat?"
"Sorry, darling, this is not a good time-I'm about to go into a board meeting."
"But this won't take long," Leah says, "I just want to tell you some good news and some bad news."
"I really haven't the time," says Izzy, "so just quickly tell me the good news."
"Oh all right then. The air bag on your new Lexus works very well."
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