Have you given much thought to the power of music?
Paul Stenzler, bandleader of Orlando's Rhythm Release and current president of the Jewish Pavilion Board of Directors, thinks about it each time he sees a concert-goer literally moved by the sound of music. Heads begin to nod in time, and shoulders sway back and forth, releasing everyday concerns for many, the beat uniting fans for the duration of the performance. Other times, Stenzler observes the glint in the eye of a toe-tapping, finger-snapping audience member, as a song brings back a flash of memory from a treasured moment.
After playing music to diverse audiences for more than 40 years at venues throughout the country, Stenzler can't help noticing the positive impact on concert-goers of all ages. Over the past several years, the professional musician has generously shared his musical passion, donating his time playing for senior audiences served by the Jewish Pavilion at assisted living and skilled nursing homes throughout Central Florida during holidays and other special times of year. Once again, Stenzler has found music to be a universal language, moving audience members, with even the over-80 crowd rocking and swaying to the mix.
With the power of music to unite in mind, Stenzler consulted other visionaries in Orlando's music community, coordinating Music Fest 2017 under the guidance of the Jewish Pavilion Boards. The Fall Music Fest takes place on Oct. 15th at Lake Brantley High School auditorium. This ground-breaking gathering of nationally honed musical talent supports the Jewish Pavilion and the seniors it engages in more than 70 elder-facilities. The Fest highlights a wide range of musical styles to bring the community together through the power of music.
Don't miss this event, in memory of Inez and Teddy Snyder, with all proceeds benefitting Orlando's elder community. "Get your groove on" for this first-time musical event featuring national and local super-talent including Carol Stein, Michael and Ben Kramer, Barbara Jones, Cantor Jacqueline Rawiszer, Howard Herman, Penny D'Agostino, Walter "Sky" Goldstein, and (of course) Paul Stenzler showcasing styles from jazz to Broadway.
Music Fest 2017 offers an afternoon of healthful pursuits including music, socialization, and a vendor extravaganza featuring dozens of healthful living options. Vendors and sponsors will be exhibiting in the Lake Brantley cafeteria, adjacent to the auditorium before, during the intermission, and after the concert.
Tickets to the event are $20 in advance, $25 at the door, and $10 per child. To purchase a ticket or to become a vendor or sponsor, visit http://www.jewishpavilion org ('click' special events) or call 407-678-9363 for more information.
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