Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Israel's blacklist of BDS groups

Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs has published a list of 20 anti-Israel organizations that actively support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement and whose activists will be denied entry into the Jewish state.

“These organizations operate consistently against the State of Israel, while putting pressure on other organizations, institutions and countries to boycott Israel,” the ministry stated. “The organizations’ activities are carried out through a false propaganda campaign aimed at undermining Israel’s legitimacy in the world.

Minister of Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan stated that “the consolidation of the list is another step in our struggle against the incitement and lies of the boycott organizations. No country would allow visitors who come to harm the country to enter it, and certainly when the goal is to destroy Israel as a Jewish state.”

He added that Israel has “moved from defense to offense, the boycott organizations should know that the Jewish state will act against them and will not allow them to enter it to harm its citizens.”

“These people take advantage of the law and our hospitality to act against Israel and slander the Land. I will act against this in every way,”stated Interior Minister Aryeh Deri.

The BDS Movement attempts to delegitimize and isolate Israel in an effort to advance Palestinian interests. Many leaders of the campaign have publicly affirmed that they seek Israel’s destruction.

In August 2016, Israel established an inter-ministerial team tasked with tracking down and deporting anti-Israel activists who come to the Jewish State for the purpose of harming the country. The team also works to prevent the future entry of activists who operate for the BDS movement.

Israel acted on its new directives for the first time at the end of 2016, denying entry to BDS activist Isabel Phiri, Aassociate general secretary for the World Council of Churches (WCC), because of her efforts to malign Israel and damage it through an economic boycott. Upon making that decision, Deri said that the authority given to him as a minister was intended specifically for dealing with visitors who arrive in Israel under a false pretense with the intention to encourage anti-Israel activity.

Following is the complete list of organizations whose activists will be denied entry to Israel.


AFPS( (The Association France Palestine Solidarité)

BDS France

BDS Italy

ECCP (The European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine)

FOA (Friends of Al-Aqsa)

IPSC (Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign)

Norgeׂׂ (The Palestine Committee of Norway) Palestinakomitee

PGS (Palestine Solidarity Association in Sweden) Palestinagrupperna i Sverige

PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign)

War on Want

BDS Kampagne

United States

AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)

AMP (American Muslims for Palestine)

Code Pink

JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace)

NSJP (National Students for Justice in Palestine)

USCPR (US Campaign for Palestinian Rights)

Latin America

BDS Chile

South Africa

BDS South Africa


BNC (BDS National Committee)


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