Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

JLI Teens: Living your dreams course

Life happens; but success at life is a product of a dream, a strategy, core values, and hard work. What are the tools and values teens will need not only to get them through life, but to thrive and succeed beyond their wildest imaginations?

Living Your Dream explores the concept of success, challenging teens to dream big, to push the boundaries of what they think is possible, and to create a plan to transform that dream into a reality. Throughout Living Your Dream, teens will examine the key areas in which success is necessary, including: career and finance, personal well-being (physical and emotional), family and relationships, dealing with challenges, and making a difference.

The course will begin on Tuesday, Jan. 30 and meet each Tuesday through March 6 in the The Roth Family JCC Youth Room from 7 p.m.-8 p.m. The cost is $50. The Roth Family JCC: The Youth Room, 851 N Maitland Ave , For information, visit chabadorlando.org or call Rabbi Eddy at 407-435-6950 or email rabbieddy@gmail.com

Course Overview

• My dream

What is success? What is my big dream for life? How will it impact my finances, my well-being, my family and relationships, the challenges I face, and the way I impact the world?

• Money

What secrets do the wealthy know that helped them achieve success? What strategies must I learn to overcome the inevitable challenges in pursuit of wealth?

• Well-being

Why is it so hard to stay disciplined when it comes to health and fitness? I have this love-hate relationship with my body; is it worth the emotional toll?

• Family and Relationships

What is the secret to long-term relationship success? How do I balance the value of family with other important responsibilities?

• Challenges

How do I deal with the challenges that life throws my way? How do I not only overcome them, but use them as a catalyst for success?

• Impact

How do I influence others? What can I do to become a true leader? How can I succeed at making a lasting impact on the world around me?


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