Wow! Go figure...
I recently watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in South Korea. I've seen many Olympic ceremonies in my long life, but this one was by far, the best!
It was perfect in every way and I was especially thrilled to see team USA and, of course, team Korea, made up of both North and South Koreans marching into the stadium together and learning that they will be competing as one.
I must mention that a weird thing happened as I was watching... one of my deceased husband's T-shirts, kept folded in a plastic bag, slipped down to the floor from the high shelf where all the polos and T's are kept, each in plastic bags. On occasion (and because they are kept in slippery plastic bags) one tends to slide off the shelf and onto the floor. But this time, when I went to pick it up and put it back, it was a shirt I hadn't seen in many years. (See photo)
Talk about coincidence, or was it?
Anti-Semitism in the USA...
Following a recent series of anti-Semitic and racist incidents across the United States, the World Jewish Congress North America, issued a statement expressing deep concern and stressing that these attacks on Jewish and other sites are "intended to instill fear in our community and in those of other minorities."
They do appreciate the response of local law enforcement in taking these incidents seriously and pursuing those who seek to harass the Jewish community. People must remain united in the face of intolerance.
(If you see something, say something!)
Okay, finally, MY COOKIES!!...
The Congregation Ohev Shalom Seniors will hold their next meeting on Sunday, March 4, starting at 2 p.m. in the synagogue social hall, 613 Concourse Parkway South, Maitland. Not only is this a meeting, rather a special show featuring a fantastic seven-piece Klezmer musical festival... (and my cookies!)
The musicians, known as Robert Kaplan's White Glove Klezmer Orchestra, including a female vocalist, is for all ages... not just for seniors.
(If you don't know what Klezmer music is, let me explain.) Klezmer is a musical tradition of Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe dating back to around the 15th century. Klezmer music is made for dancing and celebrating. Freylekhs, Skotshne, Halaka, Khosidi and the Hora are just some of the dances to Klezmer music. (It's no wonder I feel happy when I hear it!) ROBERT KAPLAN is the son of COS members, HOWARD and LISA KAPLAN. He is a senior at Lyman High School, an Eagle Scout and regular Shabbat Torah reader.
(You'll be singing and dancing to this show and frankly amazed at how Robert and his fellow high schoolers play authentic Klezmer.
This show is for everyone and everyone will pay the same reduced admission price of $5 per person. This includes a complimentary nosh (and my cookies!).
For further information, contact COS Seniors co-presidents, BERNY RAFF, 407-767-6763 or JERRY LEIBMAN, 407-694-0546.
(See you there BUT DON'T EAT MY COOKIES!)
JCC 39ers Meet & Mingle Mondays...
On Feb. 26, in the Roth Family Jewish Community Center of Greater Orlando, on Maitland Avenue, there will be a "Trivia Contest" presented by SHELDON BROOK.
The program starts at 1 p.m. and is always followed by complimentary refreshments.
(They also have my cookies, vanilla macadamia...LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!)
A reminder...
On Sunday, Feb. 25th, the Altamonte Chapel's Jazz Jam, will feature the fabulous Kid Dutch and his musicians paying tribute to New Orleans jazz and Mardi Gras.
The program goes from 12:30-2:30 p.m. and the requested donation is $10.
Our own talented ALAN ROCK is emcee.
The Altamonte Chapel is located at 825 East SR 436 in Altamonte Springs. The phone number is 407-339-5208.
Talk about perfection when it comes to serving techniques (and good-looks), kudos go to ALEX RAMBO and STEPHANIE EVANS, members of the wait-staff at Steak 'N Shake on Semoran Blvd just south of Aloma Avenue, Winter Park. We came in with about a dozen people, making noises at the same long table and Alex and Stephanie stayed calm (and even smiled) while serving us!
One for the road...
Maurice is in hospital and knows he is dying. As he lies in bed in his private room, struggling to breathe, his family and children around him, he starts to talk very quietly.
"Freda," he whispers.
"Yes dear, what is it?" Freda says.
"I want you should know something before I die. Harry the butcher owes me $100, Levine the pharmacist owes me $400, and our nextdoor neighbor Moishe owes me $600 and the return of my lawnmower. Don't let them off, will you?"
"Of course I won't, darling," Freda replies.
Freda turns to her children and says, "Oy, what a wonderful man your father is. Let this be a lesson to you all - even though he's dying, he still knows who owes him money. What a mencsh he is."
Maurice then finds some strength to say a bit more. "Freda, I want you also to know that I still owe Bernard, my cousin, $1,700 of the $5,000 he lent me 3 years ago."
"Oy vay," cries Freda, "it's nearly the end for my Maurice-he's getting delirious."
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