Never had a chance to be a contestant on The Price Is Right? Always thought you could beat that guy on Jeopardy? Secretly wish you could buy a vowel on Wheel of Fortune? Well, then, "come on down" to Ohev Shalom on Wednesday, Feb. 28, for Game Show Purim.
The fun begins at 4 p.m. with COS's annual all-ages community Purim carnival. For $18 ($15 in advance) play as many games as you want, as many times as you want. (Unlimited games for children ages 4 and under for only $5.) Buy kosher food and drinks, get your face painted, and try to find your way out of the Purim Escape Room.
And yes, of course, there are prizes!
But that's not all. At 6:30 p.m., it's time for the Game Show Purim "Best Parts" Megillah-reading. Wear your costume, BYOG (Bring Your Own Gragger) or there will be plenty on hand, and get ready to play your way through the story of Esther, Mordecai, Achasverosh, and the wicked You-Know-Who. And how about this-you'll actually be asked to use your cell phone during services, to join in a few rounds of Kahoot.
Sponsorships are available, and get you games passes and food tickets. For details or to order game and food tickets in advance, call 407-298-4650 or go to
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