Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

CRJ Seder brings community together

Family and friends, old and new, unite to mark the beginning of Passover with food, drink, song, and, of course, the retelling of the Exodus story at the Congregation of Reform Judaism Community Second-Night Seder at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, March 31, 2018 at the synagogue.

This is the third year for the traditional interactive service, which has shown increased popularity, with last year’s attendance doubling the first. Led by clergy aid Gary Becker and with guitar accompaniment by talented CRJ youth, this event offers an opportunity for the community to unite and reflect once again upon the survival of the Jewish people against all odds and apply the lessons of our ancestry to today’s world.

All guests will enjoy a seder plate, wine and matzoh at their tables, with additional wines available for purchase by the bottle. After the seder, a buffet-style dinner awaits, catered by Bagel King, which will include salad, chicken, salmon, roasted vegetables plus Passover pastries and fruit.

In a world that often pulls people apart because of their differences, Passover offers an important reminder that freedom and tolerance belong to all people.

The Community Second-Night Seder is sponsored by the CRJ Sisterhood and is open to all congregants and community members. Cost for the event is $42 per person, $36 for Seniors 65+, and $20 for ages 13 and under. Cost includes seder, buffet dinner and reserved seating. Register online at crjorlando.org/seder by March 26, 2018. For more information, please contact Gary Becker at gbecker@earthlink.net or 407-221-5343. CRJ is located at 928 Malone Drive, Orlando, Fl 32810.


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