Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

We can count on Israel...

When it comes to science and medical cures, Israel seems to be leading the world. How proud that makes me feel. It is even more than pride I feel, as I've been a diabetic for many years.

I read this in my copy of World Jewish Congress (WJC) Digest, Science & Technology:

"The Israeli company Cnoga Medical has developed a new, pain-free way to monitor blood glucose levels, eliminating the discomfort of diabetes patients who check their sugar levels by using a finger-pricking meter. (That's me... and I do it every morning!)

Cnoga Medical's noninvasive, no-needle glucometer uses a camera to provide optical diagnosis of blood glucose level by observing changing color shades of the user's finger.

Cnoga notes that the device, launched last year and already approved for use in several countries, including Italy, Brazil, and China (what about the U.S.?) offers accurate blood glucose results that are comparable to those of a finger-prick.

After a short training period, the device learns to correlate the user's optical skin-tone characteristics with camera readings, and will operate quickly and accurately, making tracking and compliance easier for patients living with diabetes.

Founded in 2004 by Dr. JOSEPH SEGMAN, the company specializes in products that facilitate medical monitoring and processing of information on the cloud.

Over 400 million people worldwide live with diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Federation.

(Tell me about it!)

And that's not all from Israel...

"Oxygen therapy, already a well-known treatment for decompression sickness, serious

infections and wounds associated with diabetes, has been found to alleviate symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's, a type of dementia that progressively destroys memory, thinking and reasoning ability, among other mental functions, affects more than 40 million people worldwide, according to a 2015 report by Alzheimer's Disease International. The cause of the disease is unknown and there is no known cure."

(Not yet, but Israel is working on it. I remember telling my spouse before he died that I didn't remember where I parked our car and maybe I had Alzheimer's Disease. He said it isn't when you can't find where you parked the car, it's when you forget what to do with the car that should cause you to worry!)

JCC 39ers Meet & Mingle Mondays...

All are invited to attend the annual installation luncheon on Monday, May 21st at 12:30 p.m. in the Senior Lounge of the Roth Family JCC in Maitland.

There will be a buffet of assorted salads; a mouth watering pasta dish; assorted bagels with a "Schmear"; assorted pastries and hot and cold beverages.

(With NO CALORIES!!!! If you believe me, I have a bridge to sell you.)

In addition to the traditional installing of the 2018-19 board, the event will feature the super-talented BOB & ANNETTA GLICKMAN, presenting a program full of laughs and music.

(The Glickman's are NOT to be missed!!)

The cost for 39er members is $15, guests, $20/

Reservations must be accompanied by payment and will be taken by LILLIAN, 407-951-6261 or CLAIRE, 407-699-0956.

Jewish Trivia Night...

Question: Where can you spend an evening having fun with friends, making new ones and showing off your knowledge of all things Jewish? Answer: At the Jewish Community Relations Council's inaugural Jewish Trivia Night on May 31 at The Roth Family JCC at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Senior Lounge. Celebrate the final day of Jewish American Heritage Month by joining in this friendly competition! Teams of up to 6 people will vie for the Avodat Tzevet (Teamwork) Trivia Trophy!

COST: Entry fee is $36 per team (teams can have 1 to 6 members)

BRAIN FOOD: Kosher snacks will be provided. Questions? Contact the Jewish Federation's Ben Friedman. 

Simply the best...

I gave this person a Shout-Out in the recent past, but as my Cardio Rehab at Florida Hospital on Rollins comes to an end, I am so thankful for him, his professionalism, his friendly smile and greeting, and his kindness.

I'm describing TOMMY McCARY, heading up the ABM Healthcare Valet Parking at the hospital. Of course I will miss the weekly workouts and the devoted staff of medical personnel who oversee it, but most of all, I will miss Tommy! Again, Tommy, thank you for being you!

One for the road...

Abe was 75 years old and had a medical problem that needed complicated surgery. Because his son Jacob was a renowned surgeon, Abe insisted that Jacob perform the operation.

On the day of his operation, as he lay on the operating table waiting for the anesthetic, Abe asked to speak to his son. 

"Yes Dad, what is it?" 

"Don't be nervous, Jacob, do your best and just remember, if it doesn't go well, if God forbid something should happen to me, your mother is going to come and live with you and your wife."

(Oy vay! That better be a successful operation!)


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