Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

An evening of music and inspiration in honor of the Rebbe

In honor of the Yartzeit of the Rebbe on the 3rd of Tamuz, Chabad of North Orlando, will be hosting a unique multimedia concert that tells the story of the Hassidic melodies taught by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of blessed memory.

Known far more for his written and spoken word, the Rebbe also left a legacy of melodies, each accompanied with a story, an anecdote and message he would share as he taught them. Six of these melodies, together with their stories, are brought to life by a life performance by a local string quartet, which is interspersed with film.

An original production by Yuvla Media, this concert is a powerful experience in which words and melody mix, so that you hear the music in the story and the story in the music.

Indeed, there is an ancient Hassidic saying that goes, “If words are the quill of the mind, then melody is the quill of the soul.”

The entire community is invited to “Songs of the Inspired Soul” on Sunday, June 10, 7:30 p.m., at Nate’s Shul, 1701 Markham Woods Rd. in Longwood to experience how these two quills will dip in the same well of ink.

For tickets and more information please visit http://www.JewishNorthOrlando.com or call 407-636-5994.


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