Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

No room for goodbyes!

Often residents are moved to different communities. This does not mean good-bye. The Jewish Pavilion does all it can to continue relationships with our beloved seniors.

Ron Dion had been at Life Care in Altamonte for several years and was a resident that made an impact on all that knew him.

Dion was always the first in the room for both the monthly Shabbats as well as Penny D'Agostino's entertaining, with a huge smile on his face. Every Saturday, he eagerly welcomed Nancy Ludin during their visits. Dion is one example of why the Jewish Pavilion exists. Those who volunteer and work for the Pavilion know they are making a difference.

When Dion recently moved to Wellsprings in Apopka, the Jewish Pavilion "followed" him there. Volunteer Dolores Indek visits him frequently and now they have developed a special rapport. 

Please keep the Jewish Pavilion updated when you know of a loved ones whereabouts. The Jewish Pavilion staff and volunteers wants to continue doing what they love to do and want to make sure no one is forgotten.


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