The summer is coming to an end and Orlando Hadassah is gearing up for another season of exciting programs and fundraising events.
We open the season on Sept. 4 at Congregation Ohev Shalom at 11:30 a.m. with a very special guest. Nationally known mentalist Mark Stone will present "Mentalmania," a program of mind-reading and ESP, mixed with comedy that has amazed audiences all over the world.
Stone became interested in ESP while in college where he began learning his skills. He developed a short program during his senior year and started performing for small groups of friends and family. He was encouraged to move to lounges and small venues with performances at open-mikes. As his performances became more widely known, he was called upon to perform for dinner parties and other special events.
This led to appearances at larger venues, where he was discovered by television scouts. He became a popular attraction on late night TV and his career took off from there.
Stone now performs his show "Mentalmania" for all kinds of audiences. Those who have seen him on one of his many television appearances or on one of the many thousands of shows he has done for corporations, colleges, or casinos all agree. Stone's show is the most amazing and entertaining demonstration of mental gymnastics you will ever see.
Orlando Hadassah is excited to bring this amazing performance to its members and friends. Seating begins at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be served promptly at 11:45 and tables will be cleared immediately after. The doors will be closed for Stone's performance.
Reservations are required. RSVP before Friday, Aug. 31 to Nancy Greenfield or call 407-415-6892. The couvert is $14.
This event is open to the public.
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