Recognizing that the school districts of Seminole and Orange counties will be in session during Rosh Hashanah, Congregation Beth Am in Longwood will offer an innovative, alternative worship "experience" on Monday, Sept. 10, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. for all students and their families who will not have had the opportunity to attend services on the 1st Day of Rosh Hashanah. This will be followed by a brief Tashlich service that's BYOB (Bring Your Own Bread).
According to Greg Alman, vice-president for Religious Activities at Beth Am, "We were not pleased to see this year's Orange and Seminole County school calendars did not include days off for the Jewish holidays and we wanted to do something about it. We designed the 'Rosh ha-Shana Experience" for the occasion. This is not intended as a substitute for our morning services at Beth Am or any synagogue in Central Florida. This will be an 'experiential' hour for students and their families to get a taste of Rosh Hashanah. There will be a Shofar Service, apples and honey, familiar chants and discussion of some major themes of Rosh Hashanah. And we will encourage everyone in attendance to take a short walk to the neighboring lake to cast away their sins at a Tashlich service before returning home for dinner."
Alman added, "We are opening this 'Rosh ha-Shana Experience' to all Central Florida Jewish students and their families, regardless of synagogue affiliation and to those with no synagogue affiliation. No ticket is necessary to enjoy what Rosh Hashanah has to offer. At the very least we want everyone to have the opportunity to hear the sounding of a shofar to usher in the New Year!"
More information on the "Rosh ha-Shana Experience" and the High Holy Day services at Congregation Beth Am can be found at
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