More than 40 years ago a small group of Christians, under the leadership of Pastor Ken Garrison, chose to step away from traditional Baptist practices and began to learn about the biblical feasts found in Leviticus, and to be a support to Israel by following the calling to comfort His people.
Over the years, Fellowship Church in Winter Springs, has led Passover seders to teach fellow Christians about how Christian beliefs tie into the celebration that the Jewish people have observed for more than 2,000 years. Church members, now under the leadership of Pastor Roger Diaz, observe Shabbat and hold services on Friday nights as well as on Sunday-the first day of the week.
There are sprinklings of churches across the country that observe the festivals in part, coming away from staunch Christian traditions. Organizations such as Christians United for Israel and the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem have enlightened Christians about the importance of supporting Israel; and at Sukkot, millions of Christians flood Jerusalem to celebrate the feast.
This year, Fellowship Church will present the Feast of Tabernacles in a unique way in order to teach Christians the significance of Sukkot. The church members will erect a nearly-full-sized model of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 25, and running through Saturday, Sept. 29, tours of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness will be led by two men of the congregation dressed as Aaron the high priest. Elder Larry Dorcik, dressed as Moses, will give introductions.
Explaining the purpose of the tours, Dorcik said, "The purpose of this program is to first, be biblical. Fellowship church serves the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and we make no distinction between Torah, prophets and the Christian gospels and letters. Our position and actions are based on whole biblical truth, not long-standing church teachings, doctrine or structure. G-d has shown His great plan of redemption for the whole earth through all of the biblical writings. Jesus, Paul and the early church observed all of G-d's festivals and we count it as a joyful service to G-d to observe them as well."
In addition to the tours, Fellowship will offer a wide range of activities: a special Friday evening service followed by an outdoor celebration complete with food, fellowship around a campfire and camping; a special brunch on Saturday followed by tabernacle tours and other Sukkot-themed activities, ending with a special dinner, procession and worship service.
Why does Fellowship want to do this? "We want to share the truth and joy of celebrating G-d's festivals with other local churches and the Jewish community," Dorcik stated, explaining that there is a real need, in the church at large, "to recapture our Hebraic roots and allign ourselves with G-dly, biblical principles."
Dorcik explained that through this Sukkot festival the church will draw closer to G-d and learn to properly identify with the people of Israel and local Jewish communities so that His great purposes will be fulfilled.
Although Fellowship Church's Sukkot 2018 is geared toward teaching Christians about the festival, this event is open to everyone.
Reservations are required for the camp-out, Saturday brunch, dinner buffet and celebration in the Tent of David. For information about costs, please call the church office at 407-699-1011.
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