Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

KCOA launches new website

The Kinneret Council on Aging, a nonprofit agency that provides ongoing programs and services to residents of Kinneret Apartments, has launched their new, redesigned website, http://www.KinneretLiving.org.

“We are thrilled to launch our new website which has a new look and feel,” said Sharon F. Weil, director of Programming and Development, KCOA. “The website is clean, bright and much more easily navigated,” she continued.

The idea to update the site was brought forward at a board meeting when members noticed that as the needs of the Kinneret residents have changed, so had the functionality and content of the website. A team of board members including Carol Feuerman and Ronda Pearlman met numerous times to discuss the overall look of the website as well as content and navigation.

The new site has larger fonts to better serve the aging population as well as updated content to reflect new programming and major fundraising events, the 8 over 80 Gala and the Senior Health Fair. The new site also includes additional information on Kinneret’s history and the support from KCOA which continues to fund the twice food pantry, onsite activities including a continental breakfast and exercise classes as well as offsite excursions to local grocery stores and cultural activities.

Kinneret Apartments, located in downtown Orlando, provides subsidized housing to 280 independent seniors. For information on the facility or to find out how you can donate to KCOA, please go to http://www.KinneretLiving.org or contact Sharon Weil at 407-425-4537.


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