Two events took place yesterday; both were the kind we have gotten used to, especially since the Oslo accords were signed a quarter of a century ago.
One was the murder of yet another holy, beautiful Jew by an Arab, and the other was a meeting between a group of Israeli “thinkers and intellectuals” and the PLO leadership in Ramallah. They made the trip to the terror incitement capital in order to keep the dialogue and communication channels open for peace.
They wanted to lift their “peace partner’s spirits and encourage him to stay the path as the champion of peace despite the warmongering, hate fanning, and other sins of the current evil Israeli government.”
Twenty-five years ago and two thousand fewer (murdered by Arabs) Jews (not to mentioned ten thousand maimed for life), these same self-appointed emissaries and their mentors, particularly Shimon Peres, were certain that Yasser Arafat was our ultimate and exclusive peace partner.
All that was needed was to encourage, cajole, appease, bribe and otherwise worship the arch-terrorist if the Jews were ever to be safe and prosperous in Israel, within whichever borders agreed upon.
Twenty-five years later after the harrowing blood-drenched quarter of a century, the average Israeli has gotten over the initial hallucination fed them by these know-alls.
Today the know-alls find their best audience no longer in Israel but in Ramallah where the mutual admiration society complain to each other how misunderstood they are and how things might have been different if it were not for the naysayers and others who just don’t understand...
Yossi Beilin, Peres’ sidekick, and a major architect of and current Oslo stalwart was interviewed on the radio this morning about his meeting with the Al Fatah leader.
He was asked if the PLO leader condemned yesterday’s butchering of Ari Fuld? “ Not precisely... but he did say that he was against terror.”
The Israeli journalists who interviewed Beilin did not think to ask him, “Well did you point out to Abu Mazen that he names streets and schools after terrorists and supports their families very handsomely after they are apprehended by Israel for murder? Did you ask him why he refers to terrorists as martyrs? Did you only go there only to idolize a Holocaust denier?”
The journalists did not think to pose any of the above. Strange?
Not really.
Beilin gave the PLO leader a pass and the journalists gave the Oslo engineer a pass.
This is how the Oslo crime was launched and fed and this is all they know.
They all give each other passes while they apparently think they are in a 25-year time warp.
The journalists, courts politicians, and writers; the kind, like Amos Oz that makes the pilgrimage to murderers (mass murderer Barghouti) in jail to offer them their autographed books, playwrights and other members of the “we know better” elite, may not know that they lost their audience.
They talk to each with great enthusiasm and resolve even as their hitherto spellbound audience is melting away.
The Israeli public truly did want to believe their sweet lies and was even ready to consider Peres’ repugnant cliche, “sacrifice for peace,” whenever Jews were increasingly murdered by our peace partners.
The public was ready to believe that the religious/settler “naysayers” were messianic and dangerous to peace. That they were the problem and not the solution. That Arafat was the solution and Jewish patriots were the problem.
Their intellectual leadership could be heard calling for the physical removal of these “obstacles to peace” from enlightened, peace-loving Israel society. Some even called for a civil war, another “Altalena” massacre to cleanse Israel of the fanatics who would hinder progress with our peace partners.
Israelis are not buying that anymore. They are exhausted after a quarter of a century of blood and lies.
The Oslo addicts are however using every means to regain their position of power and influence in an Israel that will never again grant them that power through the ballot box.
How bizarre and horrifying it is that at the same hour that the knife was plunged into the back of Ari Fuld, may Hashem revenge his blood, that the Oslo traitors were enjoying the company of the man who will welcome Ari’s killer with a street named after him.
The Oslo dagger was plunged into our collective back a quarter of a century ago by Beilin and his friends. Only now are more waking up to the fact that it must be removed.
Speedily in our time, Amen.
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