Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Jewish Pavilion High Holidays celebrations

The High Holidays are always extra busy at the Jewish Pavilion. Staff and volunteers went to senior living facilities all over Orlando last month to bring High Holidays celebrations to Jewish residents.

Many of the residents have difficulty leaving their buildings for religious services, so the Pavilion's programs are their only way of observing the holidays with other members of the Jewish community. The programs bring them the familiar High Holidays traditions and symbols such as apples dipped in honey, round challahs, the sound of the shofar, prayers, and sharing a festive meal.

This year was especially challenging for everyone at the Jewish Pavilion, as just before the holidays began we learned that Pavilion program director Walter Goldstein is battling a serious illness. The residents at his program buildings always look forward to his visits, and his presence at their High Holiday programs was very sadly missed.

However, the Pavilion is fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers, and a number of them stepped up to make sure programs went on as planned. At these events, the volunteers and residents paid tribute to Goldstein's talents as an entertainer and friend and prayed for his recovery, as we all do.

To all of our wonderful volunteers, the Jewish Pavilion would like to extend a hearty todah rabah-thank you so very much for your efforts, your dedication and your caring hearts. To them, to the seniors we serve, and to the whole community, may the new year bring you and your loved ones good health, prosperity and peace.


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