Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

Some good news from the UN...

"The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization has published a new guide to addressing anti-Semitism through education. The manual, introduced by UNESCO Director General AUDREY AZOULAY, is geared toward youth, teachers, and political leaders alike. It warns that anti-Semitic attitudes are no longer limited to radical or extremist groups, and are appearing more in the mainstream.

The guide stresses that in addition to the importance of Holocaust awareness, there is a need for education specifically focused on preventing anti-Semitic attitudes in the larger society to ensure that anti-Semitism is never seen as exclusive to the Holocaust and somehow irrelevant today.

"Anti-Semitism is not the problem of Jewish communities alone, nor does it require the presence of a Jewish community to proliferate," said Azoulay, who is also UNESCO's first Jewish director general. "It exists in religious, social, and political forms and guises, on all sides of the political spectrum."

The new study, published at a time of renewed danger among Jews in Europe, was a joint initiative of UNESCO and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The guide specifically calls on European governments to educate students from a younger age so they will be more resistant to hateful and anti-Semitic ideas as they grow up.

Additionally, the World Jewish Congress and UNESCO have teamed up to create an interactive Holocaust education website to include a range of content, including a chronology of the Holocaust, facts that all students should know, video testimonies of survivors, and latest news updates about Holocaust denial, Nazis, and collaborators. The website is set to launch at the end of 2018, and will initially be available in English, French, and Spanish.

A Jewish Pavilion Senior and Junior Mensch...

I refer to GLORIA GREEN and her adorable granddaughter, EMMA ROSE JACOBSON, age 9, daughter of JASON and JENNIFER JACOBSON.

Gloria retired as a program director for the Jewish Pavilion two years ago but stepped up to the plate immediately to help when she learned that current program director, WALTER GOLDSTEIN, is ill.

Gloria, assisted by her darling granddaughter, Emma, coordinated the High Holiday service at Serenades West. (I love to write about good, giving and wonderful people like Gloria and little Emma!)

Delicious and nutritious...

What a nice surprise! I just received a beautiful calendar from Chabad of Greater Orlando for 2018/2019 in with my mail.

I receive many calendars this time of year but this one is special because of all the fabulous recipes it contains.

For instance: Apple Cranberry Cobbler, Squash Kugel, Honey whole wheat Challah, Festive Gourmet Salad, Traditional Cholent, Classic Honey Cake, Passover Seder Brisket and Chocolate Dipped Hamantashen (yum!) to name a few.

(I go wild for anything chocolate!)

My mom passed in 1991. She was very precious to me. I know I will always miss her but having these wonderful recipes is, in a way, having a little of her back.

I used to cook with her as my guide but since she is gone I find myself microwaving and warming up things already cooked.

I love my new Chabad of Greater Orlando Calendar. Thank you for sending it to me!

JCC39ers Cinema Sundays...

On Oct. 14, beginning at 2 p.m. in the Senior Lounge, the movie "The Great Gatsby" will be shown, starring LEONARDO DiCAPRIO.

Refreshments will be available.

More JCC39ers...

On Meet & Mingle Mondays, beginning at 1 p.m., there will be a Brookdale Island Lake Luncheon/ Healthcare Seminar. All JCC members and 39ers are welcome.

(Food! I love food!!!! But it doesn't go with "healthcare.")

One for the road...

Paul is in Adrian the dentist's chair. "Now open your mouth wide, please," says Adrian. 

Paul does what he's told.

Adrian looks inside Paul's mouth and says, "Oy gevult, that's the biggest cavity I've seen in years, oy gevult, that's the biggest cavity I've seen in years." 

"I heard the bad news the first time," says Paul, gloomily, "there was no need to repeat yourself." 

"I didn't repeat myself," says Adrian with a mischievous smile. "That was an echo.

(An echo? Wow, that must be a BIG cavity!)


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