Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

"Ach Tung"... Oy Vay...

Do you remember the phrase that accompanied "Sig Hail," the Nazi salute? (It haunts my dreams!)

Anyway, I read this recently in the World Jewish Congress digest and pass it along to you:

"The World Jewish Congress, United States, welcomed Germany's recent decision to admit the last known accused Nazi collaborator living on American Soil.

JAKIW PALIJ, 95, served during World War II as an armed guard at the Trawniki death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1943. After a 14-year battle over his extradition, Palij was deported recently from the United States to Germany.

Rabbi JOEL H. MEYERS, Chairman of WCJ, U.S., noted: 'Both Germany and the United States have taken a critical step toward allowing justice to be served. Jakiw Palij is a convicted Criminal who stood guard as more than 6,000 Jews were brutally murdered. The Justice Department has called Palij an essential component in the evil machinery of annihilation, and yet, until now, he had been allowed to live peacefully and freely in the United States. We thank the United States for urging his deportation to accept his extradition after so many years of inconclusiveness.'

U.S. Federal courts concluded that Palij entered the United States illegally in 1949 after failing to disclose that he had worked at the Trawniki training camps for secret service troops who would carry out the extermination of Polish Jews. His deportation was ordered in 2004 after a federal court stripped Palij of his U.S. citizenship in 2003 due to his wartime activities and postwar immigration fraud, but none of the three European countries to which he could be sent... Germany, Poland and Ukraine... agreed to take him. The change of heart came with the advent of the new German cabinet earlier this year, as Foreign Minister HEIKO MAAS said that Germany had a 'moral duty' to 'come to terms with and face up to crimes of the Nazi reign of terror."

And since we are remembering Nazi history...

Let us remember Nov. 9th and 10th, 1938, Kristallnacht (literally 'crystal night'), referring to rampaging mobs throughout Germany, Annexed Austria and areas of Czechoslovakia who freely attacked Jews in the street, in their homes and at their places of work and worship. At least 96 Jews were killed and hundreds more injured, more than 1,000 synagogues were burned, almost 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed, cemeteries and schools were vandalized, and 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. The 'night of broken glass' is considered a turning point and the actual start of the Holocaust."

(As awful as it is to remember, we must! How else can we say "Never Again?")

COS Seniors...

On Sunday, Jan. 6th, 2019, starting at 2 p.m., the Congregation Ohev Shalom Seniors will resume their fabulous meetings with entertainment and complimentary noshes (yum) with little or no calories! (OK, I'm only joking!)

The show, featuring the talented STEVE ROMAN & JUSTIN, will really entertain you.

Steve Roman has impersonated Sammy Davis Jr. (a landsman), & Cab Calloway over the last 9 years. According to COS Seniors President, JERRY LEIBMAN, "You will be in for a huge surprise when you hear & see his son Justin.

Steve is part of a "Rat Pack" Headliner show across the nation.

Justin is Steve's young son and he performs Frank Sinatra, Can a young man perform Sinatra? Come judge for yourself.

Of course the cakes and other noshes are delicious, and there is always coffee and soft drinks... and just good old meeting and mingling. Everyone is welcome!

Admission is $5 for COS Senior members; $8 for all others.

The meeting will be held at Congregation Ohev Shalom, 613 Concourse Parkway, South, in Maitland. For further information, you can phone 407-694-0546.

(Hope to see you there!)

Speaking of talent...

Our own THERESA PESINNI, is not only smart and talented at whatever she attempts, she is also very pretty! She recently suffered the loss of both parents but is strong and capable.

(The only thing that upsets me is that she is prettier and younger than I... and I can't handle the competition!)

And on that same competition subject...

Beautiful and wonderful (and talented) PENNY GOLDSTEIN was recently selected to be a Jewish Pavilion Mensch.

When Penny Goldstein learned that the supplier of challah dough fell through for the Jewish Pavilion "Challahday Bake with Disney," she moved into action and offered to make as much dough as she could.

Penny moved to Orlando two years ago and became integrally involved in the Jewish community. She joined the Friends of the Jewish Pavilion Board and joined the Gala Committee where she became responsible for putting together artistic gift baskets.

Penny also assumed a leadership role with Jewish National Fund, where she serves on the Board of Directors and as the Chair of Women For Israel.

Penny is an active member of Congregation Ohev Shalom, where she attends services regularly. She also teaches art at the Jewish Academy of Orlando, where she has had a very positive impact on her students.

(And if that's not enough, Penny is a terrific vocalist!)

Upcoming JCC events...

ROBBY ETZKIN tells us that "We are excited to be having our first ever New Year's Eve Overnight. Drop your kids and teens off for a night of dodge ball, games, karaoke and so much more! We will end our evening with a big dance party to bring in the new year! 

Grades 2-8. Drop your kids and teens off. We're providing snacks and breakfast the next morning, so don't worry about them going hungry! Phone KACIE ZEMEL at 407-621-4038 for more details.


I must compliment STEPHANIE NILLES and DANIEL TRAVIS at Hamilton's Kitchen in the Alfond Inn of Winter Park.

They took such good care of a bunch of fun-loving ladies wearing crazy red hats at a recent Red Hatters Holiday luncheon that took place at that magnificent hotel.

They deserve a vacation!

One for the road...

Reporters from the Jewish Chronicle are interviewing Sadie, who is celebrating her 108th birthday. 

"Sadie, dear, can you please tell us what you think is the best thing about being 108? I'm sure our readers would love to know," one of the reporters asks. 

Sadie replies, "There's no peer pressure."


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