Jewish Academy of Orlando welcomed grandparents, family and special friends to its annual Generation Celebration. The event showcased the school's academic, technology, fine and performing arts and Judaica curricula. Families and friends enjoyed a catered breakfast before they joined students in four classes that took place over the course of the morning. They truly experienced what it means to be a JAO student.
In the Innovation Lab, students and families participated in a number of activities. Having learned the basis of circuits, electricity, and Scratch programming, fifth-grade students demonstrated their creativity and problem-solving skills in building electronic instruments. Third-grade students illustrated coding skills from their Hour of Code week. They programmed games, dancing avatars, and more. The youngest students in Kindergarten and first grade taught families how to write code to program the Kibo robots.
In core area classes, Jewish Academy faculty hosted a number of engaging activities. One class wrote a book about their grandparents, published and gifted copies to their families. Another class set up interviews to learn more about their family members; these videos will be compiled to create a film.
The event concluded with a whole-school performing arts showcase that ranged from first and second graders performing a heartwarming rendition of "Ani vi ata" ("You and I will change the world") to third and fourth graders playing their recorders. The audience also had a preview of the upcoming spring musical Junie B. Jones.
"This school wows me every time I visit. Generation Celebration is one of my favorite events of the year. Watching my granddaughters share their work and love of this school makes me realize what a special place this is. I am so grateful to be a part of the JAO community," said Marilyn Liroff, grandmother of two JAO students.
"We love hosting grandparents and special friends for Generation Celebration. They are the foundation on which JAO is built," stated Alan Rusonik, head of school.
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