Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Orlando Torah Academy Science Fair reveals many future scientists

Recently, Orlando Torah Academy was deluged with amateur scientists. A large number of the students spent the last few weeks designing and carrying out science experiments. Students did preliminary research regarding their science concept, followed by performing the experiment. Then, they reported the experience with poster board displays. The OTA science fair included hypotheses involving animal behavior, the chemistry of fruit preservation, and electrical voltages.

The science fair was not only about science exploration. Over the course of several weeks, the students had to manage their time, in some cases redesign their experiments, and then create a visual display of their work. The result was a room filled with excited students demonstrating all they learned to their classmates, younger schoolmates, teachers and their parents.

If you think OTA may be the right choice for your family, contact the office today for a tour at 407-270-4936 or email orlandotorah@gmail.com. Watch OTA's latest 2-minute video at https://youtu.be/Rvy2YBnHti4.


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