In one of my columns I wrote about the wonderful Henri Landwirth and his family. However, I neglected to mention his dear sister, Margot Glazer. Please forgive me!
Oh boy! It's getting worse...
I'm referring to anti-Semitism. Actually, the awful crime that happened today (the day I am writing this column is April 27) at the Altman Family Chabad Synagogue in Poway, California, was, so far as I write this, labeled a hate crime by many, including the Mayor of Poway, (just north of San Diego).
A young man, John Earnest, 19, of San Diego, shot congregants randomly, killing one and wounding three others, including the rabbi. The synagogue was packed as it was Shabbat and also the last day of Passover! As bad as it was, it could have been much worse!
That's all I know as I write this column because the event is so new. I am praying.
According to Rabbi Marvin Hier (Simon Wiesenthal Center)...
"The last few months have shown us a dark side of America. There has been a disturbing rise in anti-Semitism across the country that has many American Jews deeply worried," said the rabbi. "In just the last few weeks we've seen the blatant anti-Semitism expressed by a member of Congress, the social media posting of high school students raising the Nazi salute before a swastika made of plastic cups, increasing vandalism of synagogues, Jewish community centers and schools... and more. Indeed, Jewish people in the United States are now beginning to experience what their brethren in Europe have been facing," he said.
Some good news for a change...
World Jewish Congress President Ambassador Ronald S. Lauder welcomed the U.S. government's passage of the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act, which calls on the State Department to establish a mass atrocities task force to help prevent and respond to such crimes. Our President signed a bill into law in January, following overwhelming bipartisan support in both the House and Senate.
"The U.S. government has taken an important leading step in speaking out against genocides and atrocities and affirming its critical responsibility in working to eradicate these cancers from within our society," said Amb. Lauder. "There is no more appropriate person to name this law after than Elie Wiesel, who throughout his life served as a moral compass for humanity. Elie taught the world that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. We cannot sit by in silence amid the growing threats of terror, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism," he continued. "We must actively pursue the tolerance and security that we wish to see, to make this world a better place for our children and their children.
Here is the new Senior's texting code:
ATD-At the doctors
BFF-Best friend fell
BTW-Bring the wheelchair
BYOT- Bring your own teeth
FWIW-Forgot where I was
GGPBL-Gotta Go. Pacemaker battery low.
IMHO-Is my hearing aid on?
LMDO –Laughing my dentures out
OMMR-On my massage recliner
OMSG-Oh my! Sorry, gas
ROFLACGU-Rolling on floor laughing and can't get up!
Roth family JCC of Maitland...
Middle School Pool Party on Saturday, May 11 from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Join in for an end-of-school, summer kick-off party for grades 5-8! Price, $30, includes dinner and dessert. For further details, contact KACIE ZEMEL at 407-621-4038.
More JCC fun...
Rock'n Thru the Ages: Youth Musical, Monday, May 13 from 7-8:30 p.m. Join in as they rock through the song book of the 60s, 70s and 80s with youth theater students. Phone KACIE ZEMEL at 407-621-4038 for more details and location.
JCC39ers Cinema Sundays...
On May 12 at 2 p.m. in the JCC Senior Lounge, the movie "The Wife" starring Glenn Close will be featured. Refreshments will be available.
My chance to brag...
Mazel tov to DAVID YOUSHA, Lt. Commander, (soon to be a full commander) U.S. Navy on being selected by commander, Navy Information Force Reserve to serve as national director of the Reserve Intelligence Officer Basic Course Program. "AS RNIOBC director, he will have a hand in preparing the future of his community. (Of course, I am his proud mom!)
Jewish Pavilion Mensch...
Nancy Price is a dedicated Jewish Pavilion volunteer who has been making weekly visits to memory care residents at Serenades by Sonata in Longwood for many years. She has a wonderful way of relating to the seniors who live there, taking the time to talk to them and let them know she cares. She's a true gem!
Shout Out...
I must give a shout-out to CHRISTINA GORDON, a waitress at the Outback Steakhouse in Winter Park. (Oh no... I'm eating out again!) Christina is simply a doll, one of the sweetest people ever! She's as delicious as the food.
One for the road...
One Sunday morning, Rebecca drops in to see her mother. "Mom, there's a marvelous speaker coming to our shul this afternoon. You must come with me. You'll like it. It's going to be very interesting."
"Why?" asks her mother, "what's the talk about?"
"It's about the role of regular sexual intercourse in Jewish marriage," replies Rebecca.
"I'm not interested," says her mother, "I've given already."
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