Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Israel's ambassador to UN goes biblical

(JNS)—Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said during a special session of the U.N. Security Council that the Bible does “prove the case for Jewish ownership of the Land of Israel.”

Danon, who addressed the global forum on a debate regarding the Palestinian question, wore a black kipah and quoted from the book of Genesis as evidence of the Jewish people’s connection to the land of Israel.

“And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant. And I will give to you, and to your descendants after you, all the land of Cana’an, for an everlasting possession. And I will be their God,” he said.

The Israeli ambassador added: “From the book of Genesis; to the Jewish exodus from Egypt; to receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai... and to the realization of God’s covenant in the Holy Land of Israel; the Bible paints a consistent picture. The entire history of our people, and our connection to (the Land of Israel), begins right here.”

“This is our deed to our land,” he asserted.

Danon went on to say that the four pillars for Israel’s existence are: “the Bible, history, international law, and the pursuit of international peace and security,” in that order.

The Israeli ambassador also criticized the Palestinians for calling U.S. President Donald Trump’s expected Mideast peace plan as “dead on arrival” and listed a number of occasions where the Palestinians and Arabs have rejected peace.

“Israel accepted the 1947 [U.N.] partition plan, Arabs rejected it, attacked Israel. Jordan maintained control of Judea and Samaria, Egypt and the Gaza Strip,” he said.

“It was the Arabs who insisted that the 1948 lines were not permanent borders,” emphasized Danon. “Because of this, Jewish residents of the West Bank have not crossed international borders.”

‘The #Koran itself accepts the divine deed of the #Jewish people to the land of #Israel,’ says Israeli Ambassador @dannydanon in his address to the UN Security Council: pic.twitter.com/a5hbT5rWk0.


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