Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

Museum of Jewish Heritage...

This museum is a living memorial to the Holocaust. It is located at 36 Battery Place in lower Manhattan, New York City, N.Y.

"Not long ago. Not far away" is the theme of this exhibit.

The most significant site of the Holocaust, Auschwitz, was not a single entity but a complex of 48 concentration and extermination camps, at which 1 million Jews and tens of thousands of others, were murdered.

The exhibition brings together more than 700 original objects and 400 photographs of Auschwitz from over 20 institutions and museums around the world.

Auschwitz, Not long ago. Not far away. Is the most comprehensive exhibition dedicated to the history of Auschwitz and its role in the Holocaust ever presented in North America and an unparalleled opportunity to confront the singular face of human evil...one that arose not long ago and not far away.

(We shall never forget!)

What Israel is up against...

As instability mounts throughout the Middle East, U.S. security assistance to Israel is more important than ever before.

For instance:

In Lebanon, the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah possesses more than 150,000 rockets, many of which are capable of striking any location in Israel.

In Gaza, Hamas is actively rebuilding its terror infrastructure, stockpiling more advanced rockets and constructing new terror tunnels into Israel.

In Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula remains lawless, with militant Islamists growing in power, waging an insurgency against the Egyptian government and threatening attacks on Israel.

In the West Bank, incitement by Palestinian leaders has raised tensions and spurred a rise in terrorist attacks.

In Jordan, it's pro-Western monarchy faces challenges from Islamic extremists and economic strains from a flood of Syrian refugees.

In Syria, as its civil war enters a new phase, Iran and its terrorist proxies are attempting to establish a new military front from which they can launch attacks against Israel.

In Iran, it continues to foment chaos throughout the Middle East, orchestrating aggression and seeking conquest in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Bahrain, while threatening Israel with its terrorist proxies.

In Iraq, the Iranian backed militias wield enormous power and permit Iranian arms to freely transit into Syria.

(Oy Vay!)

"The Piano Lady"...

I'm referring to our multi-talented CAROL STEIN, of course.

She will be presenting her program, "Music & Happiness" again at the Blue Bamboo Center for the Arts, 1905 Kentucky Avenue, Winter Park on Wednesday, July 17th at 8 p.m.

As an entertainer, Carol not only plays superb piano, she also sings and has the most wonderful presence and personality. You will fall in love with her and her talent. Guaranteed!

For further information, phone 407-636-9951.

(And she's pretty too! NO, I CAN'T HANDLE COMPETITION!!!!)

Speaking of super-talent...

MARK STONE fits the description. He is a mentalist of note and a superb entertainer.

On Sunday, July 14th, beginning at 5:30 p.m., Congregation Beth Am, Longwood, will present Mark and his talents. There will also be a superb dinner. Mark is an entertainer extraordinaire!

For further information and to RSVP, phone 407-862-3505.

The cost for this wonderful event is $45 per person, which includes a kosher dinner.

JCC39ers Cinema Sundays...

On July 14th at 2 p.m. in the Senior Lounge, the movie "At Eternity's Gate" starring Willem Dafoe as Vincent Van Gogh will be shown.

Refreshments are available.

Roth Family JCC, Maitland...

On Sunday, July 14th from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. there will be a "Summer Sundays Pool Party" sponsored by the Jewish Federation's PJ Library.

There will be lunch, games and of course, swimming!

This event is free for JCC members or $5 per person.

Contact Marni Chepenik for more information at 407-621-4056.


One of the nicest, kindest and considerate people I've ever known is SCOT MYERS. Scot is board president of the Eastbrook Home Owners Association. He always likes to get neighbors together for fun events. His latest was just recently at an "Ice Cream Social" at the Eastbrook pool. He does most of the work getting things arranged and supplying things (yum) for people like me to eat! (No Calories!)

He also invites everyone to his home each year for a holiday party with all the trimmings!

At the Ice Cream Social I was seated next to Scot's mom, ELIZABETH.

(Now I know, without a doubt, who his wonderful traits are inherited from.)

One for the road...

Friends and family were at Congregation Ohev Shalom cemetery for Moshe's funeral. Just before the funeral service commenced, the rabbi goes over to Ruth, a very elderly widow, and asks, "So how old was Moshe?" 

"He was 99, kin-a-hora," replies Ruth, "two years older than me." 

"So you must be 97?" says the Rabbi.

Ruth replies, "Yes, hardly worth going back home isn't it?"


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