Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

The virtual Kehillah Exhibit has launched for all to view

Many people have wondered what would happen to the Kehillah exhibit once it was removed from the Orange County Regional History Center. After much consideration of what was actually possible, the organizers realized the exhibit could be made available online to anyone interested in the Jewish history of greater Orlando.

"It has taken us longer than we hoped to make this happen, but the results are spectacular, and seeing it all online is very exciting," commented Roz Fuchs, who chaired the task force for the exhibit. "We owe a big thank you to Joe Davis of Webstuff, who stepped up and volunteered his company's services to build the platform and make this possible," she stated.

Anyone can now view the exhibit on their personal computer by going to orlandojewishhistory.com

The site includes the photos and text of everything that was in the exhibit, a 360-degree video tour of the exhibit as it looked in the Orange County Regional History Center and the animated merchant map of downtown Orlando during its heyday. It is hoped that all of the local congregations and agencies will add the exhibit link to their websites, helping to keep the community's history alive and passing it on to the next generation.


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