Spark Orlando, Orlando's organization that inspires and educates Jewish women, is kicking off another year of Jewish programming for the 2019-2020 year.
Join in the kick off event on Monday, Aug. 19, at The Roth Family JCC in Maitland with delicious appetizers, great cocktails and inspiration from world-renowned guest speaker Nili Couzens.
Couzens is a Momentum trip leader and international guest speaker who has been teaching and inspiring Jewish audiences for over 20 years. Couzens's down-to-earth and relaxed nature, practical Torah wisdom and sense of humor maker her relatable, inspiring and entertaining to all audiences. Her topic will be "Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight."
Tickets are: Early Bird price (by Aug. 12) $18; Regular admission $25; at the door $30.
To purchase your ticket, please visit
Other upcoming Spark events include:
Aug. 29-Challah Club
Sept. 8th-Rosh Hashana Themed Craft Night
Oct. 6-Pink Party - Breast Cancer Awareness w/ Federation
Dec. 3-Ladies Night w/ Speaker Penina Taylor, speaking about "Coming Full Circle-A Jewish Woman's Journey to Christianity and Back"
Jan. 31- Feb. 2 Women's Retreat in Orlando
For more about SPARK please visit
Contact: Sarah Gittleson at 917-804-6181 or at
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