Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

J-Street trippers have a skewed view of Israel

Dear Editor:

Your discussion of the J-Street version of Birthright trip to Israel records at length the impressions of three young ladies of their visit to the Holy Land (see “3 participants share what they learned on J Street’s first alternative to Birthright trip” in the Aug. 23 issue). All they remember is a village with water problems alleviated by the Israeli armed forces even though the population is entirely Arab.

The second impression is the ladies’ concern over the many border checks imposed on the Arabs. The latter, of course, are necessary for security reasons compelled by the continuous incitement to murder Israelis from Arab leaders.

Obviously, the J-Street visitors were not impressed by any Israeli achievements or Jewish religious sights. The wealthy J-Street organization promotes no Jewish values and discourages any feasible economic solution for the Palestinian problems. Indeed the mostly female young people on this trip are groomed to form a Jewish auxiliary for the communist sorority sisters in Congress, whose mission is the decomposition of the Jewish democratic State.

After all, the only reason that there is no Palestinian State, only an entity, is that the Arabs rejected statehood in 1948 and in aggressive wars since then—all of which they lost.

If such a State as envisioned by J-Street would be created, it would no doubt be Judenrein and experience long intervals between elections.

We need to pray for the enlightenment of all who sincerely desire peace in the Holy Land.

David G. Danziger

Winter Park


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