Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Experience the Tabernacle in the Wilderness

After the success of last year's tour of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, Fellowship Church will once again, present a replica of the Tabernacle that was built while the children of Israel were in the wilderness for 40 years. This year, members of Fellowship built a nearly full-size model of the tent, the furnishings inside, the altar in the outer court, and the fabric 'wall' surrounding the Tabernacle.

Beginning the first day of Sukkot, Monday, Oct. 14, and running through Saturday, Oct. 19, tours of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness (that last about 45 minutes) will be led by men of the congregation dressed as Aaron the high priest. Even Moses (portrayed by Elder Larry Dorcik) will be there giving introductions.

"The purpose of the program is to first, be biblical," explained Dorcik. "Fellowship Church serves the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and we make no distinction between Torah, prophets and the Christian gospels and letters... Jesus, Paul and the early church observed all of G-d's festivals and we count it as a joyful service to G-d to observe them as well."

For Christians, this is a teaching exhibit-to learn more about the Hebraic roots of Christianity. For the Jewish people, this is an opportunity to see and touch a part of their heritage.

Tours will be held Monday-Thursday every hour from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

On Saturday, Oct. 19, tours will run until 6 p.m. with American and Israeli-style food and drinks available for purchase.

The week's festivities will end with a procession at 7 p.m. as the "Ark of the Covenant" is brought to the "Tent of David" followed by a time of praise, dance and worship.

Fellowship Church is located at 5340 Red Bug Lake Road, Winter Springs, FL 32708.

Admission is only $5 per adult; $1 per child. Reservations can be made at http://www.fcws.us/tabernacle-tour or http://www.eventbrite.com/e/welcome-to-the-tabernacle-2019-tickets-69262450855 or call 407-699-1011.

Reservations for group tours or school field trips are available by calling the church office at 407-699-1011.


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