Rainbow Health Consulting, Florida’s leading expert in LGBTQ+ healthcare education, provides diversity and inclusion education for healthcare providers around issues of LGBTQ+ health, a topic only touched upon by most healthcare providers.
“Our specialists ensure that your organization’s practitioners will immediately feel at ease in our seminars and workshops, which will translate into better healthcare outcomes for your LGBTQ+ patients,” said CEO Samantha Kaminsky, who together with her wife, Dr. Jan Kaminsky, PHD, RN, founded the consulting firm.
Rainbow Health Consulting’s mission is to ensure that every healthcare provider can deliver culturally competent, barrier-free healthcare to all LGBTQ+ patients; and lessen the disparities in access, treatment, and outcomes that persist. Additionally, the company gives healthcare providers and staff the opportunity to engage in respectful dialogue and to ask questions in a safe and professional environment. For too long LGBTQ+ healthcare disparities have gone unchecked.
“It is time to ask more of our healthcare providers and we believe our company is going to be the shift in the healthcare conversation that LGBTQ+ patients deserve,” Kaminsky observed.
Selected courses include:
• Caring for the LGBTQ+ Patient, an introduction for health care providers to the health concerns of the LGBTQ+ community. Topics such as terminology and definitions; and issues of access, discrimination, and specific health differences of LGBTQ+ patients and families will be covered in this module.
• Caring for the Transgender and Gender Fluid Patient, an introduction to the health care concerns of transgender and gender fluid individuals throughout the lifespan. Topics such as terminology and definitions; and issues of access, discrimination, and specific health differences of transgender and gender fluid patients will be covered. Special emphasis will be placed on the periods of social and medical transition for this population.
•Caring for LGBTQ+ Elders, which focuses on the health care concerns of LGBTQ+ elders. Special emphasis will be placed on issues of housing, social support, behavioral health, substance abuse, discrimination, and chronic conditions.
For more information about Rainbow Health Consulting, visit http://www.rainbowhealthconsulting.com or call 877-542-8742.
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