Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Do you feel latke (lucky)?

Congregation Ohev Shalom’s Sisterhood hosts their second mahjong tournament on Dec. 15. This year’s event, Winter Mahj will have a festive Chanukah slant—Meet new friends, see “old” friends and have fun.

The registration fee is $36 per person, and $45 after Dec. 2. The tournament will include snacks, a delicious lunch, a silent auction with baskets filled with items such as restaurant gift cards, products, services and lots of fun items.

The mahj tournament is one of the Sisterhood’s major fundraisers. All monies raised at the Cinco de Mahj tournament benefit the various children, family and older adult programs and services. Here are a few “Did You Know” examples of the many special ways the Sisterhood positively impacts the lives of our synagogue:

• Summer camp scholarships to assist families is more than $2,500 in allocations

• Twice a year COS students away at college receive boxes of goodies, and this represents more than $2,000 in allocations

• Transportation for the students is provided to conventions, which extends to $2,000 in funding

• The Sisterhood provides both Wednesday afternoon class and High Holiday snacks for the Religious School students

• Free first-year USY dues to all bar and bat mitzvah students, representing $2,000 of its budget

• For special events, the Sisterhood makes a contribution to the Yom Kippur Break Fast, gala and much more.

Registration begins promptly at 10:45 a.m. One round of mahj will be played, followed by lunch, then two more rounds of mahj.

The registration form can be found on Calendar section of Ohev Shalom’s homepage, http://www.ohevshalom.org. Click on the Calendar section, go to Dec. 15, click on the event and a registration form will pop up. For questions, please contact co-chairs: Debbie Bellinkoff at 407-739-7130 or Es Cohen at 407-765-6806.


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