Beth's mother (names have been changed).
Beth's mother fell again. This was the third time this month she had to drive the 2-1/2 hours from Longwood to St. Pete to make sure her mother was OK. Her mother, Shirley, only needed eight stitches this time. From the emergency room, Shirley called someone to help her at home in the mornings for the next few days. Beth had no idea who her mother called or if they were trustworthy. Who was her mother letting into her home?
Beth, a retired Orlando area Medicare nurse, called The Orlando Senior Help Desk on her way home wanting help. Things were getting out of control. Her mother didn't always call when there was a problem. She was allowing random people into her house to help her with physical care; she changed her power of attorney twice in the last year; she had changed her will again and who knows what else she was changing. Did she have the beginnings of dementia and was someone manipulating her? Beth was fearful of all the legal changes that were being made and why. Shirley refused to move from the St. Pete area. Her mother wouldn't answer her questions. Beth also knew that Shirley's money wouldn't last forever with the additional care that was required more and more often.
The Orlando Senior Help Desk referred Beth to a home health company that had a branch in St. Pete where she knew her mother could get professional caregivers that had background checks and supervision. Beth was also introduced to an Elder Law attorney who could help her navigate each of the legal issues that she was encountering. They discussed the power of attorney, trusts to plan for Medicaid, whether Shirley could qualify for VA aid & attendance through her ex-husband, guardianship and more.
Nothing is settled yet, but Beth knows she now has a team to assist her in making legal decisions and finding care for her mother. The Orlando Senior Help Desk would be happy to help you in all of your senior care needs. Call 407-678-9363 and visit the website at
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