Once a month on a Monday, a group of women get together to plan events, discuss success, improve processes, tell touching volunteer stories and share jokes and tears of laughter. This group is called the Friends of the Jewish Pavilion. This diverse group of women share their ideas and talents to support seniors in elder communities. New members are welcomed and quickly made to feel like part of the group. As they go around the table introducing themselves to new members, each one has a story. Some have been president of the Friends Board over the years and continue to organize and volunteer. Many have been volunteering over 15 years and plan on many more. Almost all volunteer for event planning and visiting seniors.
This year’s president, Marlene Adler, keeps the meeting moving along with humor and efficiency. Susan Livingstone adds to the mood with 11 pages of Dvar Torah on Friendship as the group shed tears of laughter at each page. Committees reported on their projects, people shared their mitzvahs and sorrows and then the stories began about their experiences at the Chanukah parties in December. The heartwarming stories flowed through the room as the audience smiled and nodded knowingly. These are the women that plan the fundraising and friend-raising events for the Jewish Pavilion. They lead with their hearts giving so many seniors the opportunity to continue to experience their Jewish heritage and caring about all seniors in elder care communities.
The Jewish Pavilion is happy to have so many dedicated people working toward enriching the lives of residents in elder-care communities. You can become part of the Jewish Pavilion family. Call the office at 407-678-9363 to discuss volunteer opportunities or fill out an application online at http://www.jewishpavilion.org.
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