Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

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I love dogs...

(But I don't know about this.) I read it recently in the WJC Digest and pass it along:

"Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a non-psychoactive chemical produced by the cannabis plant (marijuana) that has been shown to help alleviate human health issues like inflammation, anxiety, nausea, skin conditions, arthritis and joint pain. (So what has this got to do with animals, you ask?)

As reported by "No Camels," ITAY BEN-MORDECHAI, head of innovation at Tel Aviv based Weedley, a leader in the development and distribution of cannabidol-based natural products (CBD) for pets, believes this hemp-derived extract can also have positive effects for animals.

'Our goal is to do research and develop CBD products for animals at the highest level to truly better their quality of life.' Ben-Mordechai says their study is set to begin soon with an unnamed institution.

A study published last year by Cornell University assessed the pharmacokinetics, safety, and clinical efficacy of CBD in osteoarthritic dogs showed that administration of 2 mg/kg of CBD oil twice daily can safely decrease pain and increase activity in afflicted canines.

A few months ago, Weedly-owned by Gour Medical, a French veterinary healthcare company-together with PetPace, the makers of a smart health-monitoring collar for pets, announced the launch of a separate clinical study to assess the efficacy of CBD in the treatment of osteoarthris-associated pain in dogs.

'Usually new products or medications are tested on animals and then approved for people. CBD is not considered a medicine yet, although it has been used to treat a myriad of ailments for thousands of years,' said Ben-Mordechai. 'New tech and innovations have opened this space to pets. We can give an animal a CBD-infused biscuit to help with pain. What we're doing is the opposite of what's happening in the pharma field. We're not using animals to find medications for human purpose; we're creating products for pets specifically.'"

(YES! I love dogs more than I love some people!)

A very talented man...

S. Perry Brickman, B.A., D.D.S, is a retired oral surgeon, investigative journalist, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta president, Lifetime of Achievement Award, winner for Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Emory Medal Award (highest award given by the Emory Alumni Association.) He has written his first book, "Extracted." It's about unmasking rampant anti-Semitism in America's higher education.

For a half century, the author harbored a deep and personally painful secret. Then, in Sept. 2006, he was astonished to come face-to-face with documents that strongly suggested that he, and many others, had been failed out of Emory's dental school because we were Jewish. Instantly, the author knew that he had to uncover the truth. The overt discrimination was displayed in charts and graphs, but the names of the victims were withheld. His challenge was to put a face on each student and record their stories of shame and humiliation. He will be here on Feb. 5th, between 7-9 p.m. at the Roth Family JCC.

For further information, please phone the Jewish Federation at 407-645-5933.

JCC39ers Cinema Sundays...

On Feb. 2nd, at 2 p.m. in the Maitland JCC Senior Lounge, the movie "Ad Astra" starring Brad Pitt, will be shown.

Refreshments will be available.

Getting fit at the J...

(What? I'm not shapely enough? DON'T ANSWER!!)

Go to for the most current schedule.


I recently was invited to the wedding shower of my dear friend DORIS PINES' granddaughter, ALANNA WOLFE, daughter of DAVID and IVEY WOLFE.

It was the best time (and best food) I've had in a long time.

All the gals were in a festive mood, the decorations were fabulous thanks to Alanna's sister, the super-talented DANIELLE, and it took place in the beautiful home of Alanna's also beautiful future mother-in-law, LYNN LIPSCHUTZ.

(The only problem? Everyone who attended was better-looking than me! I can't handle competition!)

One for the road...

A catholic woman, a protestant woman, and Hette die and go to heaven. St. Peter meets them at the gate to heaven. 

The catholic woman says," I've been a good wife and mother, I took good care of my family and I want to go to heaven. St. Peter tells her to go to the left. 

The protestant woman says, "I've been a good woman. I kept my house clean and cooked and took care of my family, and went to church every Sunday." St. Peter tells her to step to the left. 

Hette tells St. Peter, "I've been a good woman, I made Shabbos every Friday, I went to the synagogue on the holidays and took care of my family." St. Peter tells Hette to step to the right. 

Hette immediately asks him, "Why did you tell me to go to the right and you told the other two women to go to the left?" 

St. Peter replies, "Don't you want to go to the beauty salon first?


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