Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Words of encouragement in response to the coronavirus

In Yeshiva/Rabbinical School, the community underwent multiple tragedies/difficulties in a short period. One of my rabbis told me at that time something that has stayed with me until today, giving me the support and inspiration during difficult times. He compared life (in some ways) to a school: Just like you would never give a second grader a test meant for a high school kid, so too in life, Hashem/G-d only gives us challenges that are tailor-made for each one of us specifically, as He knows exactly what we can handle and what we are capable of.

I love this perspective, as anytime I face a challenge, I think ‘Well, G-d knows I can overcome this obstacle or else He wouldn’t have given it to me!’ And that gives me the fortitude to soldier on and try harder.

In these complicated days of coronavirus, along with the stresses, financial hardships, lack of socialization, among other difficulties, we can keep in mind the fact the G-d “has our back and knows we can overcome.” That will give us strength as we work collectively as a worldwide community to continue to care for one another, look out for each other, build relationships, strengthen families and G-d willing, stay healthy and safe.


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