Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

StandWithUs continues its mission despite COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has not changed StandWithUs’s mission but has led them to innovative and effective ways of continuing to meet its mission. 

Recent accomplishments include:

• The StandWithUs Polak Social Media Department continues to be dynamic on all communication platforms as a source of information for millions of people each week, reaching over 28 million people.

• Over 100,000 people have tuned into the StandWithUsConnect webinars covering a multitude of topics relevant to Israel, from Israel’s history to fighting anti-Semitism and Palestinian terrorism through the law. Thousands of people are watching Facebook Live and other online outlets. Please watch them on StandWithUsConnect.

• StandWithUs offers virtual tours, bringing Israel into people’s homes.

• Campus and high school departments have shifted to remote learning and have created a menu of diverse and engaging digital content for students.

• 2020–2021 StandWithUs Emerson Fellows in the U.S., Canada, the UK, and Brazil have been selected. This coming year there will be more Emerson fellows on more campuses than ever before.

• 150 StandWithUs Israel (college) Fellows just completed their online conference and are already working on high-profile projects to highlight Israel’s achievements and gifts to the world.

• The middle school team has developed and launched a condensed version of the LINK program specifically designed for these challenging times. This program does not need to be teacher facilitated and is free to all users until the end of the school year.

• The StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department continues to monitor anti-Semitic incidents across the U.S. and around the world.

• The StandWithUs Center for Combating Anti-Semitism is focused on aggressively fighting antisemitism and educating people of all ages about the world’s oldest hatred. The team continues to create new educational materials during this time, already available at StandUpToHatred.com, and works closely with the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department to identify, define, expose, and act against anti-Semitic incidents. 

These are just some of the highlights of StandWithUs achievements since the global pandemic changed our world. They continue to be impactful, making a difference for people of all ages who want to learn about Israel and fight anti-Semitism. 


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