Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

When will it end?...

I read this in "Facts and Logic About the Middle East" written by President JAMES SINKINSON, and pass it on to you:

"The coronavirus has unleashed a torrent of hate directed at Israel... creating just one more excuse for the anti-Semites to pile on.

If it's not the Palestinians and Iran trying to convince the world that Israel invented Covid-19 to murder its enemies... it's misguided politicians telling Israelis they must make peace with terrorists.

While we pro-Israel advocates have won great victories over the past several years, the Jewish state is still in mortal danger from those who would destroy it in a minute if they could... as well as those who "simply" want to bring Israel to its knees.

The news about Israel lately is outrageous! Brave Israeli Arab and Jewish healthcare professionals are working shoulder to shoulder to defeat the coronavirus for all lsraeli citizens, hundreds of whom have already died.

Yet anti-Semitic haters all over the world accuse Israel of starting the pandemic, a haunting echo of hateful medieval blood libels. What's worse, the Palestinian Authority now asserts to the United Nations Security Council that Israeli soldiers are spitting on Arab's car-door handles to spread Covid-19. They also accuse Israeli biomedical firms of trying to profit from the crisis by inventing a cure.

Such absurd falsehoods would be laughable, if so many people didn't believe them. That's exactly why these vicious lies are dangerous to Israel.

Also, have you seen the latest report on anti-Semitic incidents here on college campuses? Anti-Israel hate attacks were up by 70 percent last year... most perpetrated by BDS supporters against Jewish students. Also the New York Times and Washington Post both claimed Israel was denying anti-coronavirus medical supplies to Palestinians in Gaza, which was completely false.

(Okay, I have to quit writing about this because I'm feeling sick to my stomach.)

Let's keep the pressure on Iran...

It is a fact that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism. While some progressive politicians advocate easing sanctions on Iran as a humanitarian gesture, this proposal is misguided. No current sanctions prevent Iran from buying medical supplies, and no evidence indicates that kindness to Iran will temper its belligerence.

The Roth Family Jewish Community Center...

A note from Executive Director KEITH DVORCHIK:

Dear members, 

"In light of the executive order by Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings mandating that face masks be worn at all times in public, we are sharing the following update to our rules, effective immediately:

Anyone entering the JCC must wear a mask from the moment they exit their vehicle. 

Anyone using the gym must wear a mask at all times. You can remove your mask in the Fitness Center as long as you are maintaining social distancing (6 feet apart from others).

When on the pool deck, you must wear a mask unless you are maintaining social distancing.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and for helping to safeguard the health of your fellow JCC members."

The Jewish Federation...

On Sunday, July 12th at 4 p.m. there will be a conversation online with SARAH HURWITZ, former White House speechwriter and author of "Here All Along: Finding meaning, spirituality and a deeper connection to life - in Judaism."

Register free at jfgo.org/Hurwitz.

One for the road...

Rabbi Levy is addressing the 'Enlighten Your Daughter' meeting of the synagogue women's guild. "Ladies," he says, "I'm sure some of you know by now that the unfortunate Jonathan Bloom has been sent to prison for making love to his wife Sadie's dead body." 

A number of 'Oy Vays' are heard from the ladies present. 

"You might also be interested to know," the rabbi goes on to say, "that I spoke to Jonathan yesterday and I now firmly believe that his actions were entirely innocent and accidental. So although we are all feeling sorry for Jonathan, there is a lesson to be learned. Ladies, go back home to your daughters and tell them that when making love with a good Jewish husband, they should please make a little wiggle."


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