Can't get this tune out of my head...
I refer to "A Fine Romance." Maybe it's because I'm a professional vocalist? Maybe it's because I'm a proud Jew and have the privilege of writing this column for Jewish readers? I love to acknowledge talented Jewish composers and lyricists who wrote fabulous songs that are now considered part of the Great American Songbook. Recently I watched on TV, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers as they performed "A Fine Romance." (Not Rap Crap!) I love that song ("A fine romance with no kisses, a fine romance my friend this is.")
You guessed it! The song was composed by Jerome Kern and the lyrics were by Dorothy Fields... both Jewish! OF COURSE!
From Lubavitch International...
I read this referring to the pandemic and pass it along to you:
"Every day, thousands (upon thousands) of healthcare and essential workers are forced to make a choice... do I use my skills to help others, or do I stay at home so as not to endanger my family with COVID-19?
"Hospital administrators agonize over the allocation of limited medical supplies, while city officials weigh the risk of an outbreak against the crushing cost of a prolonged lockdown."
(I'm alive many decades now and this is the first time I've lived through a pandemic... so far.)
Some uplifting news for a change...
I read this in the World Jewish Congress digest:
"As the Vatican unsealed millions of pages representing the WWII archives of Pope Pius XII several months ago, the WJC celebrated a step forward in the transparency of that era's history. WJC President Ambassador RONALD S. LAUDER released the following statement: 'In inviting historians and scholars in to publicly access the Vatican's WWII archives, Pope FRANCIS is demonstrating a commitment to learning and airing the truth, as well as to the significance of Holocaust memory.
The WJC knows that the Vatican was provided on March 17,1942, a detailed memorandum by the WJC representative in Geneva, describing brutal evidence of the Nazi's plan to liquidate the Jews. We never heard what happened to the memo after the papal representative in Switzerland asked for it. But we do know what happened to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust. With the opening of the archives, we may finally learn the truth about what the Vatican knew. Due to sustained efforts between the global Jewish community and the Catholic Church in the decades since the war, the Vatican has become a friend and ally to the Jewish people. The opening of the archives represents a pivotal moment in the history of Catholic-Jewish relations and our ongoing interfaith dialogue.'
Since the beginning of Pope Francis' papacy in 2013, the pope and Amb. Lauder have met on several occasions to discuss Catholic-Jewish collaboration on issues, including the rise of global anti-Semitism. Last year, after the pope announced the forthcoming opening of the archives, Amb. Lauder sent an official letter to Pope Francis, thanking him for his 'principled decision.' He wrote in part: 'The WJC has long urged the Vatican to make such a vitally important move in order to clarify the many questions and concerns that have prevailed for decades regarding what the Holy See did and did not do during WWII. It is critical, for the sake of history, that historians have full access to these essential documents.'"
(We may finally find out where the alarmed voices against harming Jews were and why so many with influence said and did nothing.)
The Roth Family JCC...
A letter from KEITH DVORCHIK, CEO, that arrived over the 4th of July holiday:
"Today we were informed that a JCC lifeguard has tested positive for COVID-19. The lifeguard, who is asymptomatic, had been exposed on June 23 to a person who later contracted COVID-19. This exposure did not occur at the JCC, and the staff member has not returned to campus since July 1, when they learned of the potential exposure.
We spoke with an epidemiologist with the Florida Department of Health this afternoon. Because the lifeguard has no symptoms, our staff and campers wear face masks, and our lifeguards wear masks when not in the water and do not swim with the campers, the Department of Health is not requiring us to change any of our safety policies, nor do campers or staff who were in contact with the lifeguard have to stay away from the J or quarantine because of this positive test."
Editor's Note - After receiving this email from Dvorchik, he wrote a response written asking for updates on those diagnosed. He replied:
"The good news is that none are in the hospital and the first person is better and will be back soon. This person is asymptomatic so while they have the virus, they are feeling well."
Jass continues at Blue Bamboo...
I got this information from our own ALAN ROCK about upcoming shows at Blue Bamboo: Friday, July 17, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., Jack Graham and Friends; Saturday, July 18, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., Blue Bamboo 4th Anniversary featuring the Orlando Jazz Orchestra Septet; Friday, July 24, 8 p.m., Daniela Soledade with the Nate Najar Trio - Nate on guitar, Joe Porter bass, and Ed Metz, drums; Friday, July 31, 8 p.m., Cortez & Koelble.
Shout Out...
With the world in a terrible situation at this time, I want to give a shout-out to all the people putting themselves in harms way to keep us safe and okay. Of course, I refer to the medical workers, firemen, police, grocery workers, mail carriers and so many more. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!
One for the road...
This sign appeared on my cell phone:
Meeting at McDonalds at 10 a.m. Followed by meeting at KFC at 11 a.m. Followed by Chick-fila at noon."
(This was sent to me by my friend Patty, who is lovely and NOT fat!)
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