Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

JAO to open 'in person' with precautions during COVID-19

Jewish Academy of Orlando will welcome its students back to in person learning this fall with precautions in place. Consistent with the recommendations of the American Association of Pediatrics, students will attend school, while following stringent safety guidelines to minimize the risk of COVID-19.

In May, Head of School Alan Rusonik assembled a re-opening task force that included JAO faculty, administration, board members and parents as well as pediatricians, lawyers and other professionals in the community.

"While remote learning was a smooth transition for our school, it was a necessity at the time. We recognize the importance for students to have the personal and social interactions with their teachers and peers", said Rusonik. 

In order to ensure the safest possible learning environment, the school has put in place a multi-layer approach to mitigating risk. These strategies will include, but are not limited to; screening, monitoring and testing students and faculty, using a unique and state of the art ultraviolet disinfection technology, hand washing, smaller class sizes, social distancing, wearing facemasks, frequent disinfection and limiting interactions of students.  

Rusonik added, "We look forward to starting another year of learning and growing when school resumes in August. We are laser-focused on creating the safest plans and policies for our resumption of in-person learning."   

The school administration and task force will continue to monitor and be guided by the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Prizmah, Florida Council of Independent schools and the Florida Department of Education.

"While school may look and feel a little bit different from prior years due to necessary safety accommodations, Jewish Academy of Orlando will continue to deliver the high quality education experience to our students that our community has come to expect," commented Rob Gebaide, president of the school's board of directors.

Rusonik added, "The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on our country and around the world. Jewish Academy of Orlando is not immune to the impacts from this terrible virus; however, we have not let the virus impact our resolve to provide the best education available to young students in our community"

Jewish Academy of Orlando serves central Florida students of all faiths from transitional  kindergarten through fifth grade. The school delivers a whole-child education fostering academic excellence and character education rooted in Jewish values. Jewish Academy of Orlando is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools.  

To learn more about Jewish Academy of Orlando, please visit: jewishacademyorlando.org or follow the school on Facebook facebook.com/JewishAcademyOrlando.


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