Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

We need some "light" news these days ...

As a vocalist, I am constantly adding to my repertoire. I am so delighted when I realize who the composers were! For instance, "You're Gonna Hear From Me," a terrific song made famous by BARBRA STREISAND (who, incidentally, is a fellow Jew and a school rival of mine who attended Erasmus High School while I attended Tilden High School back in Brooklyn when we were kids.) The song was written by a Frenchman, Andre' Previn, (I thought). His real name was Andreas Ludwig Priwin and he was a German Jew.

Another song I just added to my repertoire is "People Will Say We're In Love," written by Rodgers and Hammerstein. (You guessed it! Also Jews!) What talent our people have ... and NO rap!

Some "heavy" news...

I'm quoting (in part) an article by RONALD S. LAUDER of the World Jewish Congress appearing in the Jerusalem Post recently:

"The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crises. Hundreds of thousands have died, millions have been sickened and billions have been confined to their homes. Healthcare and economic systems have been stretched and strained, and many nations are facing a test the likes of which they have not encountered since 1945.

For many weeks now, the pandemic has disrupted our civilization. Life seems to have stopped in its tracks. The whole humanity has found itself contending with a common threat to life as we know it.

The Jewish people have once again found themselves at the forefront of the struggle against worldwide calamity. New York City has been an outsized victim of the pandemic (and now also Florida). Some of the Jewish communities have been especially hard hit.

London, too, has suffered badly, and in some of its Jewish communities the number of cases has been especially high. The same is true in other major European cities. At a time when darkness seems to be descending upon the world, they are lighting the candles of dedication, determination and love. At the same time, we will have to find new ways to conduct our communal life and educate our children. The social distancing we have all been compelled to undertake should become a tool of community building and social bonding. We must ensure that Jewish life isn't enfeebled, but empowered.

A major challenge is anti-Semitism. In the last few years, we have witnessed a new outbreak of one of the oldest and most odious plagues the world has ever known ... hatred of the Jews. Now the situation is deteriorating even further.

Today, there are those who blame the Jews for the spread of coronavirus, and there will be those who blame the Jews for the coming severe economic dislocation. As in the past, the fatal biological epidemic is spawning a vicious torrent of anti-Semitism, endangering the lives of Jews.

Above all, we must renew the credo of "one for all and all for one." We must re-embrace our age-old ethos of mutual responsibility and love of Israel."

(As for me, I haven't left my house or yard for more than 5 months. And I watch a lot of TV, especially Dr Phil! And I'm snacking and getting fat. Oy vay!!)

Worth repeating...

The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando ...

The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando presents its 2020 Annual Meeting, streamed live via Zoom, from 6:30-8:30pm Wednesday, Aug. 19. 

As we prepare for the end of the Federation's fiscal year on Aug. 31, we hope you will join us for our first virtual Annual Meeting. Along with electing our officers and board members (see below), we will report on the Federation's activities, the plans for the future, and present the Heritage Florida Jewish News Human Service Award. 

We are also planning to have a special entertainer for the meeting to make sure that we can all remain positive during these challenging times.

Official Federation business will include:

Election of new Board Officers:

President - Ming Marx

Vice President - Danielle Krise

Treasurer - Dianne Jacobs

Secretary - Rhonda Forest

Immediate Past President - Brad Jacob

Be sure to register:

All that jazz ...

If you have, or know, young people interested in jazz. HAPCO Music Youth and Arts is running a summer jazz camp. This year, their Summer Jazz Band Camp will be completely online via Zoom and Facebook Live. There will be no physical on-site public performances. Our clinicians will make this a week of fun jams, creativity and great jazz for musicians who will be in grades 7-12 in 2020/21.

The online format has given them the opportunity to expand our educational sessions. 

HAPCO Music Foundation's music, arts and culinary programs help young people in our community use their artistic and musical talents as a vehicle to fund education or as a profession. Camps, clinics, master classes and private instruction are taught by industry and community professionals the students can relate to, identify with and learn from. The programs encourage artistic expression, technique and public performance. 

Info: www.hapcopromo.org


I don't remember giving this person a shout-out ever before and, wow, she deserves one! I refer to DORIS PINES of Winter Park. She is a loving mother and grandmother, who is completely devoted to her family ... and yes, friends! I've known Doris for more than half a century (when we were just toddlers, of course! Oh shut up!)

She is also a proud member of our Jewish community and inspite of the half century, she has never lost her fantastic sense of humor! YES, Doris is my kind of gal!


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