Dear Editor:
In the July 31, 2020, edition of the Heritage Florida Jewish News, there was a letter to the editor by David G. Danziger titled “Using common sense to solve world problems.” There are many aspects of this letter that I strongly disagree with, however in this short communication I would like to address just one.
Could Mr. Danziger please explain what “thousands of unmarried female rabbis” have to do with this issue? First of all there are not thousands of female rabbis, let alone thousands of unmarried female rabbis. Does this imply that Mr. Danziger has no issue with “thousands of married female rabbis” or possibly “thousands of unmarried male rabbis”? While I understand that letters to the editor represent opinions and thus are subjective and not necessarily objective at all, I am surprised that the Heritage would publish a letter to the editor that goes beyond expressing someone’s viewpoint but also denigrates a group of people, without at least asking the letter writer to at least edit the letter or at least add a disclaimer.
Edward E. A. Bromberg
Orlando, Fla.
Please note that these comments represent my point of view and are not necessarily those of organizations that I am associated with.
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