Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

President Trump is best for America, Israel, and the Jews

Dear Editor:

I am amazed that some Jewish people do not appreciate all that our President has done for us. 

I attribute that to several entities that malign the President constantly. These entities are NYTimes, MSNBC, and CNN. Whatever the President says they take out of context and distort his words. They have such hate for our President even before he took office. 

These entities never write or talk about Biden’s misdeeds, his sexual harassment, the enrichment of his family, his 48 years as a politician when he has accomplished nothing of note and he has usually been on the wrong side of history. 

So, I say to my fellow Jews, read the Wall Street Journal, not The NY Times for a balanced take on our President and listen to Fox News. 

Also, use your judgment. All of the hate directed at the best President makes no sense. I will be voting for President Trump in November and I hope you will, too!

Sandi Solomon 

Oviedo, Fla.


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