For many, the recognition that a loved one is having trouble with their memory is scary and frightening. They are not alone. More than 5 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s. An estimated 5.8 million Americans age 65 and older in 2020 were living with some form of dementia. One in 10 people age 65 and older (10 percent) has Alzheimer’s dementia.
“Everyone in the family is impacted with the knowledge that a family member’s memory is slipping. The news can be devastating. First we minimize or deny it, then the family rallies to compensate for it, and then we shield the family member from this reality, thinking that they can’t do anything about it,” said Dr. Reuben Romirowsky, CEO of the Rosen JCC in SW Orlando.
The Rosen JCC decided to partner with Brain Fitness Academy, to expand its reach into the community from its two locations in Oviedo and Winter Park, to respond to the dynamic growth of SW Orlando. As part of the JCC’s new ‘Town Square’ approach to building community, The JCC seeks to develop new programs that meet the needs of every stage of the life cycle, not solely for young children, for which they are primarily known for, as the home for a high quality ECLC pre-school program. “Programs like BFA and others, expand our reach, to better serve the entire community,” said Romirowsky.
The ultimate goal of the Brain Fitness Academy is to provide a setting that celebrates capabilities; offering programming that is fun, dynamic, success-based, boosts self-esteem, and maximizes health and well-being by providing a therapeutic environment where members can engage in brain healthy activities and learn lifestyle adaptations. “We are so excited to launch this new initiative with the JCC. They have so many resources that will enhance the lives of a family member as well as the caregivers,” said Peggy Bargmann, founder/program of BFA.
Brain Fitness Academy is a highly- structured program that meets two days a week from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the JCC, in a socially-distanced, safe environment. Registration that is limited to 10 members is now open for the first Fall semester of 9 sessions.
For more information, contact Dr. Reuben Romirowsky at 407-387-2744.
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