Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Before writing about Israel, do some research

Dear Editor: 

I read Donna Nevel’s recent “Guest Columnist” article in the Orlando Sentinel (“DeSantis’ support for Jewish people is reactionary”) with quite some interest and curiosity. A few of her comments I totally have to agree with such as NOT having a “Florida Stands with Israel.” As a native born U.S. citizen-born in Orlando, Florida, almost 80 years ago, if I want a “Florida Stands with Israel” license plate or bumper sticker I can purchase one on my own. The State has no business in selling such license tags supporting foreign countries. Enough said on that.

Nevel is obviously misinformed about the current situation in Israel. Does she know the second largest active political party in Israel is the Joint Party, made up of a coalition of different Muslim and non-Muslim groups? Is she aware that some members of the Israeli Supreme Court are “Arabs”? That is a far cry from the “apartheid” policies she refers to that were so imbedded in the previous government(s) of South Africa.  

Nevel demonstrates her lack of knowledge about the history of the “Middle East/Palestine” dating back hundreds of years let alone 70 years. She should do more research about the area after the demise of the Ottoman Empire in 1917 and move forward. She should study about the close relationship between the Arab/Muslim leadership and Adolf Hitler during and even after World War II. She should study about “The Faruhd” in Iraq in 1941, which was a real example of “Ethnic Cleansing” of the Jews living there.

How would Nevel respond to the terrorist activities perpetrated by young Muslim thugs? If they are so interested in living in peace, building a viable economy, raising the standard of living get out of the “U.N.-forced squalid living conditions,” she should investigate the UNWRA, the United Nations Works and Relief Agency.

Trust me on this, the “Palestinians” could be living, working and studying at a much higher level if it were not for the hatred of the Jews. In closing, introducing Governor DeSantis’ handling of the coronavirus is totally off topic and unrelated to her topic of discussion. It’s like a distraction, a “smoke screen” of sorts.

Laurence I. Morrell

Maitland, Fla.


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