Memories ...
Did you know that former New York City Mayor, Ed Koch, (who was Jewish) once came to Orlando and visited us at Congregation Ohev Shalom? Well he did, and I had the pleasure of meeting him in person!
And speaking of famous people ...
The other night on JIMMY FALLON's "Tonight Show," the guests were two prominent Jewish people, comedian CHELSEA HANDLER and Senator BERNIE SANDERS. Actually, Bernie went to a rival high school, Madison, in Brooklyn when I attended Tilden High School and he also went to Brooklyn College. Small world!
(So many talented people Jews are!)
Anti-Semitism on the rise ...
I read this in a letter from the American Jewish Committee and pass it along to you:
"For so many of us, the start of this Jewish New Year felt dramatically different. Because of the pandemic, we were unable to gather with family and friends to observe the High Holidays. We missed out on the physical and spiritual embrace of community. Our experience may have been altered, but the core tenets of the holidays endured. We reflected on the immense challenges of the past year and prayed for a better tomorrow. We committed to being better spouses, children, parents, siblings, Americans and Jews. Now, with a brand new year before us, it is time to turn that commitment into action.
Our country is desperately in need of repair. Anti-Semitism and extremism are on the rise. Political polarization has seeped into nearly every aspect of our lives. It sometimes seems that we are so divided that we can barely see one another's humanity.
At AJC we believe that American Jews have a moral obligation to help solve these problems, and a vested interest in doing so. When societies falter and democracy is undermined, anti-Semitism flourishes."
And in another letter from AJC ...
"With reports of hate crimes against Jews on the rise, many of us are feeling anxious about the state of the world. Sadly, at the same time, too many people in positions of power are trafficking in anti-Semitism, including peddling poisonous anti-Zionism.
Many who hate Jews have found a convenient veil for their bigotry. They relentlessly demonize Israel at every turn and hold all Jews collectively responsible for the actions of a sovereign nation."
The Roth Family JCC of Maitland ...
JCC Live! Is the event!
CEO KEITH DVORCHIK will start each day live at 9 a.m. on Facebook. He will be joined by fellow JCC staff members to kick off each day's theme and highlight what is to come. At the close of each day at 5:30 p.m., he will return to recap and give a preview for the following day. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and YouTube.
The JCC Live! Schedule:
Sunday - Cultural Arts with AVIVIT ERLICHMAN.
Monday - Fitness with TARA HARRIS and new tennis facility with tennis professional, VLADIMIR OBRADOVIC.
Tuesday - Richard S. Adler Early Childhood Learning Center and playground expansion with MELISSA YOUNGBLOOD.
Wednesday- Andrew Hansen Mandell Camp J.
Thursday – the JCC's exceptional teachers and staff.
The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando ...
Calling all sensational singles - get ready for a Virtual Scavenger Hunt! There will be a prize for the winner!
The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando is looking to bring together single Jews in their 40s, 50s, and 60s in the Central Florida area for programs and events in a safe, relaxed environment. Members will decide exactly how and where they want to meet, mingle, and have fun.
Register in advance for the next Zoom get-together, which will be Thursday, Nov. 12th at 7 p.m.
To learn more, contact the Federation's events, call CAROL FEUERMAN at 407-645-5933.
(WHAT? I'm a sensational single. Do I have to lie about my age to be a part of this group? Ok, I will!)
Another Federation event ...
Here is information on "Members of the Tribe, a 6-week course that already started on the 3rd of November but will continue on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. at the JCC.
In this 6-session quest, attendees will dive deep into a fundamental, challenging question for Members of the Tribe: "What is the overarching purpose of living Jewishly?"
Together we'll examine aspects of what might be considered the Jewish mission, a blend of practices that distinguish us as Jews, and what to do with this idea of being called the "Chosen People."
For more information about Adult Jewish Learning, contact JULIA BERGER at
I want to publicly thank LYA EISENBERG for always thinking of me and sending me adorable emails that make me smile! This latest one features animals loving and cuddling on each other. I love animals (love, love, love them) and I am so grateful to Lya!
One for the road ...
At age 79, Leo announces that he's marrying a 22 year old girl.
"Are you crazy?" his friend says. "Don't you realize that at your age, sex with a young woman could be dangerous ... even fatal?"
"Well," replied Leo, "if she dies, she dies."
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