Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

What a loss ...

I loved watching the television show, "Jeopardy." Although I rarely knew the answers to the questions, I enjoyed watching the game hosted by Alex Trebek.

Maybe its because I felt such warmth from him, such tenderness.

Also, although he was not raised Jewish, I believe he had Jewish ancestry on his father's side. Alex was from Canada, his ancestry is Ukrainian, like mine on my mother's side. (My mom was born in Canada but her parents and siblings were born in Ukraine.)

I will continue to watch "Jeopardy" but Alex will be sorely missed and forever in my heart!

Speaking of upsetting me ...

One of the television programs I watched the other night was titled "Rise of the Nazis." It showed how Germany, under President Hindenberg, became less of a Democracy and very Fascist beginning in 1933, especially when Adolph Hitler became chancellor.

I watch too much television ...

Another program I watched on television due to Veteran's Day, was titled "GI Jews." It took place during WWII and was shown on channel WUCF.

There were comments from comedian Carl Reiner (who passed away this year) and MEL BROOKS. Also Henry Kissinger.

(I will NOT admit to being alive during WWII but I liked the way it ended!)

And on the subject of Canada ...

I read this in the World Jewish Congress digest and pass it along in part:

"Jews were the most targeted group in Toronto, Canada in 2019, accounting for approximately 32 percent of the 139 hate crimes, according to the Toronto Police Service.

This is a slight decrease from 2018 when 36 percent of hate crimes were committed against Jews.

Ontario lawmakers are currently considering Bill 168: An Act to Combat Anti-Semitism, which empowers government agencies to more effectively address the threat of contemporary anti-Semitism."

This is a reminder ...

On Sunday, Nov. 29th at 10 a.m., Chabad of Greater Orlando has a special treat for us in their zoom lecture series titled "Physically Apart-Emotionally Together."

The program is "Jokes On Us," starring fabulous comedian JOEL CHASNOF.

(I usually sleep until 11 a.m., but I will wake early on Sunday because I know how funny Joel can be, and I wouldn't miss his performance for anything!

I need some fun, some smiles, some laughter. Don't we all?)

Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando ...

This is worth repeating:

"If 5781 is the year you've decided to get more involved in the Jewish community, make new friends, or learn more about Judaism, you are invited to join The Melton Adult Jewish Learning Program.

For more information, please contact JULIA BERGER at jberger@fgo.org."

Shout-Out ...

I heard this from NANCY LUDIN, head of the Jewish Pavilion and a treasured member of our Jewish community:

She wanted me to give mention in my column to RUTH DARVIN, "for her leadership and service to the Jewish Pavilion. Ruth has served as the president of the Friends of the Jewish Pavilion and served on the Board of Directors for many years. She was honored at the Jewish Pavilion Gala in 2017. Ruth is an unbelievable role-model and mensch. She has provided compassionate companionship for elderly Jews in the Oviedo/Winter Springs area for over 15 years. Ruth encouraged friends to join her when she met with seniors and celebrated holidays together. Ruth has stories galore to share about seniors who appeared to be unresponsive but took the time to smile, sing or talk when she entered the room. She believes in human dignity. Many of the people Ruth visited had dementia. This did not stop her from visiting regularly and attempting to communicate in whatever manner worked. One-on-one visits with individualized attention are what our elders crave. The Jewish Pavilion is so fortunate to have leaders like Ruth Darvin involved with their organization."

(And we are fortunate to have Nancy Ludin as well!)

One for the road ...

This is exclusively for the ladies:

"The truth in just 13 words ... Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the heck happened?"


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