Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Is it the end of the two-party system

Dear Editor:

From my perspective, the election of 2020 will have a monumental effect on future elections in the United States. I feel that a new beginning has started. There is a small but potentially enlarging crack growing in the electoral process at all levels of government.

This election showed the beginnings of a more united diverse electorate. The Latina vote, the Black vote, the Asian vote seemed to be more united behind specific candidates like never before. The Jewish vote, again was divided again with more votes going to the Republican party than in previous elections. Still, the majority of the Jewish vote went to the Democratic party as in previous elections. It was a toss up between a vote for Israeli security and a combination of Israeli security and a better life for all U.S. citizens.

This could be just the beginning. This may be the early stages of the demise of basically “the two party system.” In the years to come, be it eight years, 10 years, 16 years or even 20 years, the United States electorate will have multiple political parties from which to choose. By that time, the Caucasian electorate will be in the minority. The other racial groups will organize themselves into individual political parties as is common in other countries. The Jewish vote may have more impact in the future if they can unite behind some of the newly created political parties.

The government leadership will be done by creating a coalition of several different political parties representing multiple factions that will be willing to work together to “get” what they want for their particular constituents very much like what takes place in Israel. Good, bad or indifferent, that’s the way it will be unless we become a dictatorship. It has taken place in Europe several times within the last 150 years. It can be a slow process or a more rapid process like in the 1930s. Only time will tell. Only time will tell.

Laurence Morrell

Maitland, Florida


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