As part of their monthly guest speakers via Zoom "Physically Apart - Emotionally Together", Chabads of Greater Orlando and North Orlando invite you to hear the fascinating story of Rabbi Motti Flikshtein on Jan. 13, 7:30 p.m. Motti will take you back in time to the days of his youth as a drug dealing rapper, and retell his journey of becoming a rabbi.
You will hear the incredible story of a man who completely turned his life around. Coming from the darkest of places, he not only brought light to himself, but to thousands of others as well.
Rabbi Motti is now a Chabad rabbi in Delaware helping people connect back to their souls and helping them become better people.
"As I look back to the days of being a rapper and think back to the journey I've made, I feel my life now is full of purpose and meaning" said Rabbi Motti.
"To hear of someone who made such a drastic life change is not an everyday thing. I am especially excited to hear the story from Rabbi Flikstein first hand," said Rabbi Tzviky Dubov.
The last Zoom lecture held by Chabads of Greater and North Orlando was with Genie Migrom, a woman who traced her roots back 22 generations to find out she was Jewish. It was mind blowing to hear all that she went through to discover her lost heritage.
Chabad is always looking for innovative ways to bring education and inspiration to every jew regardless of background. They have an incredible lineup of speakers for the coming months, and encourage the entire community to join and gain inspiration.
The entire community is invited to join for this fascinating lecture. Tickets can be purchased for $10 Zoom ID and password will be provided upon registration.
Reservations and more information can be found on, 407-644-2500 x0, or, 407-636-5994.
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