Dear Editor:
After a bitterly contested fight the election for U.S. Senators is over in GA. Who won? You can say that the Socialists won. You can say that the Communists won. You can say that American Jews are among the biggest losers of this election.
Rev. Warnock is a bigoted anti-Jew, anti-Israel, friend of the notorious Louis Farrakan, head of the Nation of Islam anti-Jew and also friend of another anti-Jew and anti-Israel Jeremiah Wright.
Former U.S. President Obama was a member of Wright’s church is Chicago for 20 years and his relationship with Obama was downplayed by the media.
How many more anti-Jews and anti-Israel politicians do we have to endure in Congress where the Squad has no qualms about displaying their anti-Jew, anti-Israel positions almost on a daily basis without ever having anyone in Congress challenge them, especially Jews like Schumer, Feinstein, Nadler, Schiff and that Vietnam-hoaxer Sen. Blumenthal?
This country is in great danger in my opinion and I think of the late Sen. McCarthy’s terrible campaign to root out Communists in the movie industry and writers, mostly Jews, and the damage that destroyed careers and led to suicides. As par with what will soon happen if Americans don’t object to their excesses.
Do I worry? Yes.
Am I leaving this country? No Way!
William J. Levy
Ormond Beach, Fla.
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