Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

What's ok for Democrats isn't ok for Republicans

Dear Editor:

Unlike your latest correspondents, I am not at all ashamed by the impartial publication of opinion articles in the Heritage Florida Jewish News. I realize that the “76 percent” of Jewish voters who helped elect Joe Biden are imbued by the narratives promulgated by the Democrat Party and parroted by the media designed, since Mr. Trump’s election, to lead to his impeachment. They would silence anyone who lauds any of the accomplishments of this most effective president of this country in at least 20 years.

Donald Trump did not commit either of the “high crimes” the Democrats invented. Moreover, he did not lie about the spying on his election committees, the absence of any conspiracy with Russia, or the organized election irregularities. As to the latter, the Democrat leader of the U.S. Senate voiced loudly serious threats to intimidate two Supreme Court justices with the desired effect on those justices as well as on judges all over the country who refused to hear evidence and dismissed all claims by Trump supporters on procedural grounds. I am not proud of the Jewish leaders of the impeachment hoaxes who violated all principles of American judicial proceedings in doing so.

Like everyone else, I was revolted by the actions of the groupies of anti-government rioters who ruined the legal purposes of the many thousands of pro-Trump demonstrators. In that regard, I remember in 2016 the actions of then Vice President Biden when a dozen people protested the electoral votes of their states that went for Trump. Mr. Biden asked each one whether their protests were made by a congressperson and a U.S. senator. They were not, and therefore the protests were invalid. On Jan. 5, 2021, there were potential protests by U.S. senators and congresspersons, but the proceedings were interrupted by the riotous intruders, and the senators dropped out during the reopened hearing late in the day when the thousands of sincere demonstrators (including Jews) did what President Trump told them to do: They went home.

Ever since Jan. 5, after the Democrats had continuously hailed the [BLM] “peaceful protests” that killed at least 30 people and destroyed close to $100m worth of private business property, the brand new vice president, Kamala Harris, urged the perpetrators to keep doing it.

Mr. Shapiro and Mr. Schwarz may enthusiastically support Pres. Biden, who has already signed 40 presidential orders — many of which, I believe, he neither read nor understood — but at least numerically defy the U.S. Constitution and ruined the lives of many hardworking Americans.

As for me and the 30-40 percent of Jewish voters who voted like over 70 million of our fellow Americans, we will look forward to Republican victories in the near future.

David G. Danziger

Winter Park, Fla.


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